G 310 R | BMW Motorrad
Wake up with a smile on your face. Because every day is an opportunity to try something new – with the BMW G 310 R. It is an intuitive, agile ride thanks to the optimized engine with Ride by Wire and slipper clutch, whether you are off to work, to an appointment, or out of the city.
G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
With the BMW G 310 GS, your everyday life becomes an adventure. Thanks to the optimized engine with Ride by Wire and a slipper clutch, you can master the urban jungle and make trips into the surrounding areas.
宝马G310R,4万值得购买吗? - 知乎
动力上,两车搭载的同款发动机,单缸水冷四气门DOHC反置发动机,(313mL排量、最大功率21Kw,最大扭矩28N·m、压缩比10.6:1、油箱容积 11 ·L。 这款发动机最大的亮点就是,气缸盖旋转了 180 度,气缸与后部呈一定角度向后倾斜。 独特的气缸设置方式使车辆的重心降低,将主要重量集中在前轮 -- 这让骑士能够在转弯更轻松、操控更精准。 两车虽然一样 是使用的金色外管的倒立式前叉,但避震行程、弹簧、阻尼设定都有所不同。 两车的前制动系统搭载着Φ …
G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
bmw g 310 gs 搭配富有个性的宇宙黑,竞速红以及极地白/竞速蓝,与一骑绝尘的果敢特质相得益彰。令探险激情,恣意挥洒。
Used Bmw G 310 R Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Looking to buy a used Bmw G motorcycle? Browse our extensive inventory of used Bmw G motorcycles from local Bmw dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Bmw motorcycles on Cycle Trader.
Data & Equipment | G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
The G 310 GS stands for pure riding enjoyment – whether making daily rides around the city or trips into the surrounding areas. In the typical relaxed GS seat position, you have a perfect view of every adventure.
G 310 R | BMW Motorrad
g 310 r 凝结了 bmw 摩托车基因,具备更实用的功率,并展现出卓然品质、匠心工艺和前沿科技,畅快自如的体验任你享受其中。 G 310 R 的设计 选择你的风格。
G 310 R | BMW Motorrad
Conquer your city with the BMW G 310 R. Discover its sportiness, easy handling, and manoeuvrability.
BMW G 310 R Price - Mileage, Images, Colours - BikeWale
BMW G 310 R is a street bike available in only 1 variant and 4 colours. The BMW G 310 R is powered by 313cc BS6 engine which develops a power of 33.52 bhp and a torque of 28 Nm. With both front and rear disc brakes, BMW G 310 R comes up with anti-locking braking system. This G 310 R bike weighs 164 kg and has a fuel tank capacity of 11 liters.
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2023 BMW G 310 GS Review - Cycle World
2024年1月19日 · Originally available to US riders in 2018, the G 310 GS is BMW’s take on the lightweight adventure bike segment. BMW developed the G 310 GS on the already existing G 310 R platform...