BMW 4 Series - Wikipedia
The F32 is produced alongside - and shares many features with - the F30 3 Series. As with the F30 3 Series range, the F32/F33/F36 is powered by turbocharged petrol and diesel engines with 3 cylinders (petrol only), 4 cylinders, and 6 cylinders. The high performance F82/F83 M4 models were introduced in early 2014. [4]
BMW 3 Series (F30) - Wikipedia
The sixth generation of the BMW 3 Series consists of the BMW F30 (sedan version), BMW F31 (wagon version, marketed as 'Touring') and BMW F34 (fastback version, marketed as 'Gran Turismo') compact executive cars. The F30/F31/F34 generation was produced from October 2011 to 2019 and is often collectively referred to as the F30.
BMW 3-Series and 4-Series Forum (F30 / F32) - BIMMERPOST
6 天之前 · General discussions on the 3 Series and 4 Series. What did you do to your F3X... For prospective owners to discuss pricing, ordering, order tracking, and european delivery. 440i brake set replacement... Early F gen cars, arch rust? For all infotainment, navigation, A/V, bluetooth phone discussions. 5 minutes instructions to get...
宝马4系双门轿跑(F32)测评:和国产3系有多大差别?|独立试 …
2019年9月18日 · 作为直接从3系的E46 coupe/E92一派中裂变而生的精华,也是历代双门版M3、现款M4的“母体”,这台4系双门轿跑承载了目前“F世代”对驾驶最纯粹的追求。 它和普通3系的差别有多大? 它真的撑得起独立于3系之外的一枝独秀吗? 我们今天就来告诉你。 一句话概括:好不好? 好。 值吗? 不一定。 虽然它和F30/F35还是有不少差别的,但是不算特别明显,更谈不上有什么质的飞跃。 【动态篇】 经过多年打磨之后,这套B48 2.0T,加上采埃孚8AT的组合,早已 …
BMW 4系列 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmw 4系列(德語: bmw 4er )是德国汽车制造商bmw所生产的一个中级车系,自2013年10月5日起以轿跑车型(f32)上市,其目的是将既有的3系轿跑车替换为全新的4系,以进一步区分更具运动性的轿跑车 [1] [2] 。
BMW F30 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmw f30 是bmw对其第六代3系列 中型车制定的企业内部标识。它自2012年起作为 e90 ( 德语 : bmw e90 ) 的继任车型,分别在慕尼黑、雷根斯堡、沈阳和罗斯林的bmw工厂生产。
BMW F32 vs F30 Compared - 4 Series vs 3 Series - BIMMERPOST
2012年12月6日 · We've put together a visual look at how the F32 looks compared to the F30, along with some physical stats. Look for the 4 Series Coupe Concept to debut in January at the 2013 Detroit auto show and production to begin in July 2013, for late summer delivery.
General F30 Sedan / F32 Coupe / F36 Gran Coupe Forum - BMW …
2007年4月9日 · General discussions on the 3 Series and 4 Series.
2012-2019 (F30, F32, F33, F34, F36) - Bimmerforums.com
Forum: 2012-2019 (F30, F32, F33, F34, F36) (2012) The sixth revision of the iconic 3 series. Starting new installation of the 4 series which a lower, wider and sportier 2 door 3 series.
2019年9月19日 · 作为直接从3系的E46 coupe/E92一派中裂变而生的精华,也是历代双门版M3、现款M4的“母体”,这台4系双门轿跑承载了目前“F世代”对驾驶最纯粹的追求。 它和普通3系的差别有多大? 它真的撑得起独立于3系之外的一枝独秀吗? 我们今天就来告诉你。 一句话概括:好不好? 好。 值吗? 不一定。 虽然它和F30/F35还是有不少差别的,但是不算特别明显,更谈不上有什么质的飞跃。 经过多年打磨之后,这套B48 2.0T,加上采埃孚8AT的组合,早已调校得炉火纯 …