BMW 3 Series (E46) - Wikipedia
The BMW 3 Series (E46) is the fourth generation of the BMW 3 Series range of compact executive cars manufactured by German automaker BMW. Produced from 1997 to 2006, it was the successor to the E36 3 Series, which ceased production in 2000.
经典老车!带你回味20年前的宝马三系(E46) - 懂车帝
2023年12月23日 · 这台代号E46的3系被很多人认为是宝马历史上最经典的车型之一,同时它还是华晨宝马在国内投产的第一个车系,那么它究竟有没有传说中的那么经典呢? 提起经典的驾控者之车,那么不得不提的就是来自宝马E46,三系车型的第三代完美作品。 宝马E46的外观算得上是非常精致,相比上代E36与近代E90,其车身造型毫不浮夸且优雅非凡,即便是放在今天看去,它的造型也依然算不上老气,而在不少车迷眼里宝马E46更是宝马3系改革的重要历程。 >>编辑精 …
Used BMW E46 M3 for Sale Right Now - Autotrader
Test drive Used BMW M3 at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 152 Used BMW M3 for sale, including a 2001 BMW M3 Convertible, a 2001 BMW M3 Coupe, and a 2002 BMW M3 Convertible ranging in price from $9,500 to $139,995.
BMW 3 Series E46 (1997-2006) History, Specs, Guides and DIY
The BMW E46 is the fourth generation of the BMW 3 Series, which was produced from 1997 to 2006. “To understand what BMW is, just take a ride in the new 3-Series, the distillate of all the virtues of the Munich brand!”
Affordable Dream Cars: 1999-2006 BMW 3 Series E46 - Forbes
2024年11月25日 · The fourth-generation BMW 3 Series, dubbed E46, was the best-selling BMW of all time for a reason — they were fabulous cars that remain an excellent used car option today
BMW 3 Series - E46 Market - CLASSIC.COM
BMW introduced the fourth generation of the 3 Series, the E46, for the 1999 model year. The E46 was offered in a variety of body styles including coupe, convertible, sedan, and wagon. The fourth generation 3 Series was available with either an inline 4 or inline 6 engine, both available in different displacements, as well as diesel versions.
BMW 3系列 (E46) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
bmw e46是德國寶馬公司bmw 3系列車型第四代,是e36的換代產品。 1998年5月e46四門轎車版首次公佈。次年,雙門轎跑和旅行車上市。2000年,敞篷車和掀背車型也開始發售。掀背車型僅供應歐洲、南非、澳大利亞和新西蘭市場。
最靓3系? 丨 德式小资——20年前的宝马敞篷车/BMW E46 Cabrio
2024年6月2日 · 宝马3系的第三E36型与第四代E46型,一直是我非常中意的款式,它们都有着颇为紧凑、比例协调的身姿,让人过目不忘。 其中,我觉得最靓仔的,要数E46型的轿跑或敞篷版,双门敞篷的造型与清爽优雅的线条结合在一起的时候,显得颇为合拍。 ↑ 宝马3系E46型敞篷,上图车型为2001-2002年间出厂的中期330Ci版。 具备4座布局的E46型敞篷版(BMW 3 Series Cabrio E46/2C),由Erik Goplen主导设计,它的面世时间较晚,于2000年4月推出,刚好在2001年 …
AC charging Professional 22 kW | BMW FAQ
To charge your BMW electric vehicle with the option "AC charging Professional" (SA 4U6) at public charging stations with up to 22 kW, you need the more powerful "fast charging cable (mode 3) for public charging" (SA 4T2).
BMW・E46 - Wikipedia