BMW 600i. : r/starcitizen - Reddit
2017年8月29日 · Not just the 600i. Origin is definitely modelled after BMW. Origin is a somewhat German company as indicated by the GMBH at the end of the company name. BMWs cars are named on a number basis where the larger numbers signify a larger car like the compact 3 series, mid size 5 series and full size 7 series. Origin mimics this with the 300 line, 600 and 890 jump. Furthermore, within a series, BMW ...
600i Explorer : r/starcitizen - Reddit
Looking to work the 600i Explorer into my current fleet without spending full price on the ship. I’m looking at a way to upgrade to it. I currently…
600i? : r/starcitizen - Reddit
2024年6月16日 · Salvaging your own ship is a pain of back and forth + the reclaim timers (40 Min. for 600i). Also, you will lose some SCU due to some pieces being bigger than the Vulture buffer.
A Great Mix of Merc and BMW Design Cues - 600i - Reddit
2020年8月21日 · I use my loaner for bounties tonight. All of my other ships have ballistic repeaters and I wanted to try some laser canons for fun. So yea those S5’s kinda just swatted those mustangs in one hit from something crazy like 5km out. Big difference coming from rearming every 3 or 4 bounties. Ended up making maybe 100k between bounties, enc alerts, and a claim jumper or two. Kinda makes me want ...
600i, a Luxurious Explorer : r/starcitizen - Reddit
2017年8月27日 · The 600i is the newest addition to the Star Citizen fleet, a luxurious multi role vessel from Origin designed with a cutting edge modular technology. The best way to describe the 600i would be as a mini 890 Jump not only because of their similarities on the design but also because it can perform the same activities with that beast …
Side by side comparison : 600i : r/starcitizen - Reddit
A BMW 5/7 series still has a trunk roughly as big as any other sedan of that size. It also has better materials, a better engine, and better everything than the economy cars in their respective size classes.
400i or 600i? : r/starcitizen - Reddit
2022年11月22日 · The 600i (explorer) I bought when they announced the rework and although I do fly it from time to time I mostly wait on the rework. The rework is going to expand the features it already has and even add a very valuable new one with the medbay.
[5K] Origin 600i - Blue Shell : r/starcitizen - Reddit
2022年7月29日 · [5K] Origin 600i - Blue Shell IMAGE 99 18 Share Sort by: Best Open comment sort options Add a Comment Ash_xyz0
600i vs aquila for small crew exploration? : r/starcitizen - Reddit
The 600i additionally has larger pylons and twice the number to the Aquila, and has two unmanned S2 turrets. But the Aquila has a bigger single S4 turret, upgradeable to two S4s if you choose this (losing the sensor suite in the process).
[Discussion] Value of Origin 600i vs Constellation Phoenix
2018年7月8日 · From #Kraiklyn_CIG from around January 13th: "Phoenix- A fusion of a Limo and a luxury private jet. 600i- The luxury private yacht. 890- The millionaire mega yacht. 300i- The BMW of space. 85X- The BMW Roadster." "Phoenix is a hybrid of a limo and private jet, where the 600i is the marina luxury, of a private yacht.