【Agones系列】Agones初体验 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Agones是为了游戏服在Kubernetes上部署、运行、伸缩而设计的框架。 它由Google开源,是游戏领域云原生游戏的一种实践。 具体相关介绍可参考官方网站和Github。
【Agones系列】Agones总结与展望 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
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BMW - Aftersales Online System menawarkan layanan purna jual untuk kendaraan BMW.
【Agones系列】Agones总结与展望 - 阿里云开发者社区
2022年7月13日 · Agones默认安装并暴露了这样的测试服务,支持http/udp两种协议。 总结 首先,我们要清楚看到Agones是针对Delicated Game Server而设计的云原生负载,比较适合MOBA/FPS/TCG等有对局概念、需要匹配的游戏类型。
Feature Stages | Agones
This page provides a description of the various stages that Agones features can be in, and the relative maturity and support level expected for each level.
Accessing Agones via the Kubernetes API - GitHub
{"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"docs":{"items":[{"name":"governance","path":"docs/governance","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"access_api.md ...
Install Agones using YAML
2025年3月11日 · Installing Agones using the pre-generated install.yaml file is the quickest, simplest way to get Agones up and running in your Kubernetes cluster:
Confirming Agones Installation
2024年10月9日 · Verify Agones is installed and has started successfully. To confirm Agones is up and running, run the following command: kubectl describe --namespace agones-system pods
Limiting CPU & Memory | Agones
Kubernetes natively has inbuilt capabilities for requesting and limiting both CPU and Memory usage of running containers. As a short description: CPU Requests are limits that are applied when there is CPU congestion, and as such can burst above their set limits.
Agones Documentation | Agones
Agones is a library for hosting, running and scaling dedicated game servers on Kubernetes. Foundational knowledge you should know before starting working with Agones. Instructions for creating a Kubernetes cluster and installing Agones. Quickstarts for getting up and running with Agones. Guides for deeper integrations with Agones.