BMW 5 Series (E60) - Wikipedia
The fifth generation of the BMW 5 Series executive cars consists of the BMW E60 (saloon version) and BMW E61 (wagon version, marketed as 'Touring'). The E60/E61 generation was produced by BMW from 2003 to 2010 and is often collectively referred to as the E60.
宝马E60老车新试:为何说它是颠覆之作 - 车家号
2017年5月8日 · 这台E60 530Li最擅长的工况就是在高速上平稳巡航。 舒适的悬架配合扎实的转向手感让驾驶者倍感惬意,大排量多缸的自然吸气引擎可再添一分气定神闲。
【图】开创品牌新时代——BMW 530Li(E60)_宝马5系论坛_汽车 …
2021年12月7日 · 这台530Li产于2009年,搭载了一台N52B30的3.0L直列6缸发动机,最大马力258匹,最大扭矩300N*m,得益于6缸发动机固有的特性,E60开起来绵延有力,6at的变速箱也使得动力衔接较为平稳顺畅。 我的这台E60是当时的530Li领先版,09年到现在它一直兢兢业业,日 …
致敬永不褪色的经典,浅谈宝马5系E60_车家号_发现车生活_汽车 …
在这一代5系上,宝马用上了大量革新的技术,当时的E60搭载了宝马最先进的Double VANOS可变气门正时系统与Valvetronic无级电子节气门技术,因此可以随心所欲的控制新宝马五系的动力输出。
Pre-Lci Bi-xenon to Pre-Lci Adaptive Bi-xenon retrofit help
2017年6月20日 · I want to bring it to the 21st century. The only realistic option is to go for a E60 Dynavin N6. I do have access to an CCC unit from an LCI but the dynavin probably is a better option. Had a dynavin since 2009 in my e46 which has not missed a beat. The E60 will be even better as it keeps the original equipment so audio quality should be good.
OEM Bi-Xenon Adaptive Headlight - Left - BMW E60/E61 LCI …
This part is listed by BMW as BMW part number 63127045695 (63-12-7-045-695) and is described as Bi-Xenon Headlight - Left - E60 3/2007+ . For full BMW fitment information or for assistance from one of our BMW experts, we recommend calling us 877-639-9648.
E60 Nfl Halogen-LCI Bi xenon retrofit - MHH AUTO - Page 1
2020年11月29日 · I made retrofit for my bmw e60 525d with nfl headlight and halogen to new LCI bi-xenon headlight. I coded and works everything,only when i start Engine xenone are flicking. Is there any method to make xenon to work ? I think about to add a 4700uf to each headlight. Anyone can help? Thx. (11-29-2020, 08:03 PM)Matrix009 Wrote: Hello!
VIDEO: Bi-Supercharged 650 hp E60 BMW M5 acceleration run
2017年9月5日 · Its mighty 5.0 liter, naturally-aspirated V10 was a masterpiece of an engine, one that screamed to over 8,000 rpm. It’s still considered to be one of BMW’s best of all time. But is there room to...
BimmerCode for BMW and Mini - BMW 5 Series, M5
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Bixenon / biled - E60, E61 - BMW Klub Polska - Oficjalne forum
2021年8月10日 · Depo to zwykłe podróby oryginałów - lepiej świecić nie będą (chyba, że lampy już w deamatycznym stanie masz). Dużo bardziej bym się skłaniał w kierunku regeneracji oryginałów, taka opcja bi-led wyglada przyzwoicie. Jak chcesz zachować bardziej w oryginale, to pewnie mogą Ci zregenerować na Evox-r 2.0 zamiast bi-ledów.