What Does Ci Mean in BMW Model Names? - BMW Insights
2024年2月29日 · The Ci designation in 1990s-2000s BMW models like 328Ci and 330Ci indicated a coupe or convertible body style. Learn what Ci meant and why BMW used this naming.
BMW ci是什麼意思?深入解析BMW系列車型中的ci標誌
2024年9月25日 · BMW ci 是德國高級汽車製造商 BMW 針對其特定車型所使用的術語,主要代表著符合高性能和豪華定位的轎車或跑車。 這個標誌通常出現在某些特定型號上,特別是 BMW Z 系列和 6 系列中。
How to decipher the BMW naming system | BMW.com
Ci (old) – at the time when there was still no distinction made between sedans and coupés using even and odd numbers, the BMW 323 Ci (1999/2000), for instance, could refer to either the coupé or convertible variant of the BMW 3 series.
BMW ci是什麼意思?深入解析BMW ci的定義與特性
2024年9月24日 · BMW ci常用於描述BMW品牌的一系列運動轎車型,其中的“ci”則是“coupe injection”的縮寫。 這個縮寫不僅代表了BMW在其性能車型上所採用的一些技術,還顯示了其對於運動性能的一種追求。
What Does Ci Mean Bmw: Unraveling the Ci Model’s Significance
2023年12月19日 · Ci in BMW stands for “fuel injected” in reference to the engine type. Understanding this acronym helps car enthusiasts comprehend the specific technology present in BMW vehicles, giving them a clearer understanding of their performance capabilities.
ic, ci, what do they mean and what's the diff? - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2007年4月26日 · With the E46, BMW started using "Ci" where now the C stands for coupe. Thus a 330Ci is a 2-door coupe model. See: http://www.bmwworld.com/repairs/codes/vehicles.htm For an overview of model designations.
宝马汽车车型名后缀"i","xi","ci","c","li"...等字母是什么意思??_百 …
i代表是汽油机,xi代表是SAV(也就是X3,X5)的汽油机,ci代表是改装型(C是coupe的意思,也就是双门运动型),li代表是加长型汽油机。 BMW里这几种型号是比较常见的,但也有很稀少的专供特殊比赛用途的型号,比如:Si等等
Understanding the CI Designation in BMW Models
2025年1月17日 · CI models from BMW are known for their enhanced performance features and luxurious interior designs. They typically include advanced engine technologies that deliver impressive power and efficiency. These models also feature sport-tuned suspensions, providing superior handling and responsiveness on the road.
What Does Ci Mean Bmw : Revealing the Truth
2023年12月9日 · When shopping for a BMW, you may come across models with “Ci” in their names, such as the 3 Series 330Ci or the 6 Series 650Ci. But what exactly does the “Ci” designation signify? Let’s delve into the meaning of “Ci” in BMWs and why it’s an important factor to consider when choosing the right BMW model for you.
Ci、Compact、CS、CSL···那些独特的BMW命名 - 懂车帝
Ci、Compact、CS、CSL···那些独特的BMW命名规则来了! 戳图解锁这些名字背后的含义,来评论区留下你的心动款。 懂车帝宝马3系车友圈,提供Ci、Compact、CS、CSL···那些独特的BMW命名规则来了! 戳图解锁这些名字背后.