BMW 5 Series (E60) - Wikipedia
The fifth generation of the BMW 5 Series executive cars consists of the BMW E60 (saloon version) and BMW E61 (wagon version, marketed as 'Touring'). The E60/E61 generation was produced by BMW from 2003 to 2010 and is often collectively referred to as the E60.
宝马E60老车新试:为何说它是颠覆之作 - 车家号
2017年5月8日 · 这台E60 530Li最擅长的工况就是在高速上平稳巡航。 舒适的悬架配合扎实的转向手感让驾驶者倍感惬意,大排量多缸的自然吸气引擎可再添一分气定神闲。
致敬永不褪色的经典,浅谈宝马5系E60 - 车家号
3.0L直列六缸引擎有着258马力和300牛米的强劲低扭,6.3秒的百公里加速也足以傲视群雄,50:50的前后重量比带来了出色的操控性。 同时那一代5系也是第一代国产的5系,有着不小的优惠,再加上新出的香槟色。 于是一拍即合。 当然国内特供长轴版也有它的弊端,过长的车身让它的机动性大打折扣,掉头一般要倒两把。 不过这些小问题也无法改变我对这一代5系的喜爱。 每个爱车的人都有他心中的“初恋”,我的是E60,你的呢? 本内容来自汽车之家创作者,不代表汽 …
The E60 BMW 5-Series Facelift Range Test Drive: BMW 523i SE, …
2008年11月3日 · Both the 523i and the 523i SE have your standard 8 airbags, DSC, ABS, Start-off brake assist, Active Steering, and the iDrive system which also displays a nice visual parking assistant. You also...
Specs for all BMW E60 5 Series versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a BMW E60 5 Series version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts. Notice also the plus sign to access the comparator tool where you can compare up to 3 cars at once side by side.
BMW 5시리즈/5세대 - 나무위키
2024年6月23日 · E60부터 중국시장 전용 5시리즈 L 모델이 추가되었다. 520Li, 523Li, 525Li, 530Li로 라인업이 구성되어 있으며 휠베이스와 전장 모두 140mm 확장된다.
BMW E60 5 Series 520d Specs, Performance, Comparisons
Explore the BMW E60 5 Series 520d 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
2006 E60 530d - M Sport/SE differences | BMW Forums
2011年8月24日 · The differences are largely cosmetic (so a personal preference thing) other than the slightly lower and firmer sports suspension and sports seats as standard, although comfort seats are still an option. Also 18 inch wheels are standard on the sport whereas the SE can come with smaller wheels (they had 16 or 17 as standard).
BMW 5-series E60/E61 review (2003-2010) - Driving.co.uk
2014年3月18日 · These are high-quality, sleek-looking machines — refined, rewarding to drive and impeccably engineered. The 5-series comes as a smart, limousine-like saloon or elegant Touring estate, and while the styling is a little too aggressive for some, it has been toned down in …
Aproape Masini - Pareri : BMW E60 ( 2003 – 2010 )
2018年12月27日 · Verdict BMW E60. BMW E60 – masina oficiala a dubiosilor care acum dau de primii bani. BMW E60 ramane o masina de mijloc in familia Seria 5, care nu va ramane in memoria noastra precum BMW E39. La fel ca si BMW E90, BMW E60 face tranzitia dintre mecanic si digital. O masina care arata spectaculos chiar si astazi.