BMW X2 - Wikipedia
The BMW X2 is a subcompact luxury crossover SUV produced by BMW since 2017. It is marketed as a sports activity coupé (SAC), it is considered a sportier and less practical alternative to the X1, as is the case with other even-numbered X models with its respective counterparts.
宝马车迷必读:当前最齐全的宝马车型代号表(适合收藏) - 知乎
不过,没关系,这篇文章列出的宝马车型代号不但囊括了历史车型,还包括了不少处于研发阶段的车型。 熟读此表,可保三年无忧。 废话说在前面,宝马的内部代号是从E开始的,它代指德语的“Entwicklung”,也就是开发的意思。 “E+数字”的代号方式用了长达40多年,其后的数字不断增大,最多出现了三位数字,然后就改成了“F+数字”的模式。 现在呢? 宝马正在使用“G+数字”的新代号模式来指代它的未来车型。 顺便推荐一下Tony Lewin的《The Complete Book of BMW》,X …
BMW X2 M35i: Model overview, features, and specs - BMW USA
The X2 M35i’s BMW M TwinPower Turbo inline 4-cylinder engine delivers up to 312 horsepower. With four exhaust tailpipes, M-specific aerodynamic components, Adaptive M Suspension, and …
新BMW M3:详情-BMW中国-新BMW M3价格-新BMW M3图片
新BMW M3,搭载M专属高性能3.0升直列6缸双涡轮增压发动机,强悍性能尽释放;带换挡拨片的8速运动型手自一体变速箱,动静随心掌控,卓然驾控动心魄。
BMW X2 M35i (F39): Models, Technical Data & Prices | BMW.cc
A top athlete conveying pure driving pleasure: the M TwinPower Turbo 4-cylinder petrol engine is particularly powerful because it is equipped with specific pistons, a larger turbocharger, …
BMW M3 - Wikipedia
The BMW M3 is a high-performance version of the BMW 3 Series, developed by BMW 's in-house motorsport division, BMW M GmbH. M3 models have been produced for every generation of 3 Series since the E30 M3 was introduced in 1986. The initial model was available in a coupé body style, with a convertible body style made available soon after.
BMW 3 Series Sedan M Models: Model overview, features, and specs
Explore the features and specifications of the BMW 3 Series Sedan M models. Find information on transmission, engine type, drivetrain, and more.
BMW X2 M35i (F39): Engines & technical data | BMW.cc
BMW X2 M35i (F39) engines and technical data: Dimensions, driving performance, fuel consumption and more. All facts at a glance.
武力 X2 就是實力 BMW X2 M35i (F39) 試駕 - 7Car 小七車觀點
動力配置方面, X2 M35i 是繼 1986 E30 M3 後再度搭載 4 缸引擎的 M 系列性能車,採用 B48 2.0 升 TwinPower Turbo 渦輪增壓汽油引擎,於 5,000~6,250rpm 間可輸出 306hp 最大馬力,於 1,750~4,500rpm 間可輸出 450Nm 峰值扭力,配上 8 速 Steptronic 運動化手自排變速箱,即使車 …
BMW M3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
新一代M3使用全新开发的4.0升自然吸气V8引擎(代号S65B40),输出马力为420匹,量產初期配6速手排变速箱,之后加供7速 格特拉格 双离合变速箱。 车体外观方面,车顶則是使用的是和同期宝马M6相同的 碳纤维 材質。 除了最初的雙門四座 轎跑車 版本之外,还有四門轿车、五門旅行車、双门敞篷车等款式。 2009年,宝马推出本代M3的高性能车型“M3 GTS”,搭载4.4升自然吸气V8引擎(代号S65B44)和7速 格特拉格 双离合变速箱,相较于普通版M3轻了136公斤,百公 …