BMW 7 Series (G11) - Wikipedia
The sixth generation of the BMW 7 Series consists of the BMW G11 (short-wheelbase version) and BMW G12 (long-wheelbase version) luxury saloons. The G11/G12 generation was produced by BMW from 2015 to 2022, and is often collectively referred to as the G11.
BMW 7-Series G11-G12 specifications: versions & types - Automobile-Catalog
Catalogue of specifications of BMW 7-Series G11-G12, all models, production years and versions in automobile-catalog.
BMW G11 – Wikipedia
Serienausstattung sind LED-Scheinwerfer, auf Wunsch ist das aus dem BMW i8 bekannte Laserlicht erhältlich. Die längere Version G12 kann mit einem Panoramaglasdach, das beleuchtete Grafiken enthält (Sky Lounge), bestellt werden.
7 Series - G11 / G12 (2016 - 2022) | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2024年12月25日 · The next generation G11/G12 BMW 7 Series flagship forum. Unveiled June 10th, with production starting in August the 6th generation 7 Series comes in a...
2016 BMW 7 Series (G11/G12) Specs & Photos - autoevolution
2023年6月26日 · Under the hood are new engines with added power, better efficiency, and a revised 8-speed automatic transmission. CFRP is used along with aluminum for weight …
Specs for all BMW G11 7 Series versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a BMW G11 7 Series version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts.
Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound, 16 speakers, 1400W fully active 10-channel amplifier, includes a diamond tweeter in the middle of the instrument panel featuring NautilusTM spiral technology. Stainless steel finishers featuring FibonacciTM hole pattern design with an optimum degree of efficiency for a pure sound experience.
2019 BMW 7-series G11 phase-II xDrive (4WD) - Automobile …
2019 BMW 7-series G11 phase-II xDrive (4WD) all versions specifications and performance data
宝马新7系G11/G12底盘车型的动力传动系统解析 (2)
G11/G12 的 B58 发动机共有两个谐振器。 由于未采用涡轮增压发动机的循环空气减压阀,负荷降低时会产生不稳定的高频放气噪音。 原因在于增压压力补偿流动噪音通过压缩机传至进气侧。 宽带减振器以最高 3 kHz 针对上述情况进行调节。 与六缸汽油发动机不同,八缸汽油发动机采用双管式进气系统。 因此在任何负荷范围均可向发动机提供所需空气量。 • 通过理想化的支架设计相应减少了固定点,从而贯彻了轻型结构理念。 *中国规格针对燃油锰含量较高的情况采用经过调整 …
BMW G11 LCI 7 Series 750i xDrive - Ultimate Specs
Nissan Almera Tino 2.2 dCi 112 (2003) vs BMW G11 LCI 7 Series 750i xDrive (2019)