BMW M3 GTS: free radical
BMW M3 GTS: developed for the race track. The BMW M3 GTS is already a legend – and in 2010 it was a milestone in terms of race track suitability. Its striking colour alone - BMW Individual Special paint Fire Orange - signals that BMW M is in attack mode and is ready to be unleashed.
宝马M3 GTS - 百度百科
日前,来自BMW中国的消息称,BMW M3 GTS即将上市销售,并有望同步引入到国内市场。 据了解,在性能和安全性方面,这款高性能BMW M3双门轿跑车车型拥有一颗“最强劲的心”——一台331千瓦/450马力的发动机,既为参加俱乐部赛事运动奠定理想的基础,又完全符合道路驾驶的的官方法规。 BMW M3 GTS由BMW M公司制造。 除了排量更大,更加凌厉的V8发动机、专门调校的Drivelogic 7速M双离合变速箱和进一步改进的悬架技术,这款为俱乐部赛事运动而设计的车 …
BMW M4 GT3 EVO | BMW M Motorsport
With the BMW M4 GT3 EVO, the latest evolutionary stage of BMW M Motorsport's GT race car will roll to the grid from 2025 season. The GT3 model offers state-of-the-art technology for maximum drivability, efficiency and reliability.
German Touring Series - National Auto Sport Association
2025年3月5日 · In GTS3, a detuned E46 M3 is a go-to car, however, no car is permitted to drop more than one class from where it would be classed naturally based on factory horsepower and curb weight. For example, a BMW M3 with an S54 engine naturally falls into GTS3, so it cannot be classed lower than GTS2 regardless of how detuned it is.
選擇賽道或街道!BMW M3 GTS兩者兼要 | U-CAR新聞
BMW M GmbH 推出了以 M3 Coupé為基底原廠改裝之 BMW M3 GTS 賽道用車,多數車體細節以 BMW 技師手工打造,並可配合客戶需求達到客製產品,GTS 最快將在 2010 年春天推程入市。 在車體結構上,相較於 M3 Coupé的 1,580 公斤,M3 GTS 重量不到 1,500 公斤,歸功於全碳纖維打造車頂、輕量化車門夾層、鈦金屬滅音尾管與完全卸除之後廂座椅、空調系統、音響設配。 動力心臟方面,擴大至 4.4 升排氣量的高轉速 V8 引擎,榨出最大 450 匹馬力,引擎結構搭配鋁矽合 …
BMW M4 GT3 Race Car | BMW USA
The top-of-the-line BMW M4 GT3 builds on the reputation and success of the M6 GT3, balancing aerodynamics and speed with improved drivability and reduced operating costs. Drivability, cost efficiency, and ease of operation: the BMW M4 GT3 takes race car ownership to the next level.
BMW M4 GTS: portrait of a super sports coupé
The award-winning inline 6-cylinder 3.0-litre turbo engine from the BMW M3 and BMW M4 receives its ultimate refinement in the GTS. Not only have the engine characteristics and response behaviour been optimised – but its use of an innovative water injection system gives the engine a significant performance boost.
NASA , GTS Challenge for sale on RacingJunk
Recently refreshed 2003 BMW E46 M3 race car for sale. This car was built to compete in NASA’s...
宝马3系GT买新车很贵,卖二手的时候连三系卖不过,可悲! 1600L装载能力、5.4升百公里油耗? 二手3系GT可能是家用最优解. 宝马3GT起步轮鼓滋滋响 4S店说是正常的? 花60万元买一辆2.0T+后驱,到底是图啥? 当年只有富豪才买得起的宝马E34跟奔驰,他们的四驱差距有多大? 宝马3系GT曜夜2年开了近9万公里,这样的车况你觉得值多少钱? 怨种才能做我朋友! 宝马3系GT车主赞不绝口,唯独不喜欢这个“通病”? 数据加载中...
难以置信的完美融合,BMW E91 X M3 GTS! - 网易
2024年3月11日 · 全球限量150辆,实际量产138台的m3 gts,已经成为收藏级的bmw车辆之一,宝马将m3 gts的s65发动机从原本的普通m3的4.0升增至4.4升,产生了惊人的444匹马力和4.4秒的百公里加速时间。