BMW Digital Key 101 - BMW BLOG
2023年7月13日 · Near Field Communication is a short-range wireless technology that operates on a frequency of 13.56 MHz and is based on inductive coupling between two “antennas” embedded in NFC...
手機不用拿出來、UWB技術接近車輛即自動解鎖!BMW將搭載新世代數位鑰匙Digital Key Plus …
BMW iX 除了會搭載曲面螢幕等技術的新世代 iDrive 系統,更進一步宣示其將率先採用新世代數位鑰匙 BMW Digital Key Plus,其是應用 iPhone 11 開始裝載的 UWB 超寬頻技術,可以像現行的智慧 Comfort Access 車鑰匙一樣,手機放在身上接近車輛就會自動解鎖!
【图】纯电车型中的又一款“天花板”车型BMW iX有何亮点?_宝马iX …
2021年12月13日 · 另外,BMW iX与苹果合作推出了Apple Carkey的BMW数字钥匙,可通过NFC功能,使用Apple Watch和iPhone解锁和启动车辆。 打开车门,能够看到车门内框满眼的碳纤维材质,BMW称之为Carbon Cage碳纤维笼式车架。
All you need to know about Ultra Wideband tech | BMW.com
BMW will use Ultra Wideband technology in the BMW iX to power the BMW Digital Key Plus. Overall, UWB technology is set to become very handy for car owners everywhere, promising both increased security and added ease when using car keys. But what is …
BMW Digital Key: Compatible Models & Setup Guide | BMW ... - BMW …
You can also activate a BMW Digital Key Card, an NFC key shaped like a credit card, for easy storage in your wallet. If you have an iPhone, you may share your Digital Key with up to five friends or family members, even if they do not have a BMW Connected Drive account or have the My BMW App installed.
从5G体验到人车交互,宝马iX树立豪华智能网联汽车标杆 - 知乎
bmw ix将配备约40个不同的传感器用于各种自动化和驾驶辅助功能,可产生的数据量为目前bmw量产车型的10-20倍。 配备千兆以太网的车辆总线,传输速度总和可以达到每秒30Gbit,将各个传感器数据快速传输到数个高性能计算机进行处理,保证各个功能的安全性和 ...
BMW announces BMW Digital Key Plus with Ultra-Wideband …
2021年1月13日 · The BMW Digital Key Plus feature will be first launched with the all-electric BMW iX for iPhone. Ultra-Wideband technology for enhanced convenience and security. The new, additional features enabled by the BMW Digital Key Plus …
NFC cord. As the owner you may shore your Digital Key with up to five friends or family members*, even if they do not hove a BMW Connected Drive account or hove the
How do you use your nfc digital key card | BMW iX Forums
2024年6月21日 · There's no difference between the NFC Card, the fobs, and Phone as Key. The only difference is that your NFC card is not tied to your primary BMW ID. Once you link that properly inside the iDrive BMW ID menu it will act just like any other key.
Alles über die Ultra Wideband-Technologie | BMW.com
Im neuen BMW iX beruht der neue BMW Digital Key Plus auf der Ultra Wideband-Kommunikation. Von der UWB-Technologie werden künftig Autobesitzer auf der ganzen Welt profitieren, denn sie bietet einerseits mehr Sicherheit und ermöglicht zugleich eine noch komfortablere Nutzung der Autoschlüssel.