BMW B38 engine - Wikipedia
The BMW B38 is a 1.2 and 1.5 L (1,198 and 1,499 cc) turbocharged straight-three DOHC petrol engine, which replaced the straight-four BMW N13. Production started in 2013.
BMW S38 - Wikipedia
The BMW S38 is a straight-6 DOHC petrol engine which replaced the M88 and was produced from 1984–1995. [1] [2] The S38 was originally produced for North America as an equivalent to the M88 with slightly lower power output. In 1989, power output of the S38 was increased and it became the worldwide replacement for the M88.
BMW 7 Series (E38) - Wikipedia
The BMW E38 is the third generation of the BMW 7 Series luxury cars and was produced from 1994 until 2001. The E38 replaced the E32 7 Series and was produced with petrol and turbo-diesel straight-six and V8 engines, along with a petrol V12 flagship model. Three wheelbase lengths were available — short (i), long (iL) and Limousine (L7).
【時事熱門車】硬漢本色 BMW E38 7-Series經典回顧 - Mobile01
2016年11月1日 · 身為旗艦房車,E38 7系列還是相當重視大排氣量多缸引擎這塊市場,而從總銷售量表現看來,賣得最好的版本就是搭載V8引擎的740i,而740i還分成前、中、後期三個版本,前期採用4.0升V8引擎(原廠代號M60B40),最大動力為286hp/40.8kgm,而1996年推出的中期版本,則是搭載全新開發的鋁合金引擎M62B44,不僅排氣量增加至4.4升,最大動力也提升至286hp/42.8kgm;於1998年推出的後期版本,則是搭載M62TUB44引擎,這具機體的特色就是 …
BMW E34 racing dynamics k38 For Sale - Car and Classic
Looking to buy a BMW E34 racing dynamics k38? Complete your search today at Car & Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe
V12与L6 丨 宝马7系三代E38型之750iL & 728iL - 懂车帝
2022年12月9日 · 而尾标750iL,代表这是一台7系E38型普通版的大顶配型号,当年售价近200万元,搭载了宝马出产的M73型5.4升V12自吸汽油引擎,最大可输出322Ps马力与490牛米扭矩。 宝马7系E38型750iL,内饰之中控右侧视角。 由于750属于高配版本,可见中央扶手区域带有车载电话系统,以及中控台中央宝马与飞利浦Philips合作打造的CARIN车载娱乐+卫星导航,这算是当年的高级配置。 ↑ 由@Bien 拍摄,一台悬挂上海号牌的宝马7系E38型后期728iL长轴版。 这 …
BMW B38 – Wikipedia
Der BMW B38 ist ein Dreizylinder - Reihenmotor (Ottomotor) von BMW. Gemeinsam mit den B48 und B58 (Vier - bzw. Sechszylindermotor) sowie den beiden Dieselmotoren B37 und B47 (Drei- bzw. Vierzylinder) gehört er zu den 2013/2014 eingeführten Baukasten-Motoren des Herstellers. Das BMW-Werk München ist das Leitwerk für die B38- und B48-Motoren. [1] .
社会的旗舰 实拍第三代宝马7系(E38) - 汽车之家
2022年1月27日 · bmw的新一代旗舰,其实750li才更值得买。 全新的发动机,4.4升已经超过了上一代V12 6.0的表现。 豪华性提升,科技性更是突飞猛进。
BMW 7 Series - E38 Market - CLASSIC.COM
The third generation of BMW 7 Series was introduced for the 1995 model year. Known as the E38, these new 7 Series cars were available in short or long configuration as well as with a variety of inline 6, V8 and V12 engines. The E38 was the first 7 Series to offer diesel engines, with inline 6 and V8 options.
BMW M5 Racing dynamics K38 - E30 Zone
2007年11月25日 · BMW Racing Dynamics K38. this car to my knwoledge is the only one in the country as the K35 range was marketed in the UK and this was supposedly the flag ship of the range as its the K38 which means it has the 3.8lt engine as opposed to the 3.5lt.
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