Einheits-PKW der Wehrmacht - Wikipedia
The light off-road passenger car was built by the BMW-Werk Eisenach under the designation BMW 325, as well as Hanomag (Typ 20 B) and Stoewer (Typ R 180 Spezial). The vehicles were used as troop carriers (Kfz. 1), by repair-and-maintenance squads (Kfz. 2/40), by artillery reconnaissance sonic measurement squads (Kfz.
Einheits-PKW der Wehrmacht | Military Wiki | Fandom
The light off-road passenger car was built by the BMW-Werk Eisenach under the designation BMW 325, as well as Hanomag (Typ 20 B) and Stoewer (Typ R 180 Spezial). The vehicles were used as troop carriers (Kfz. 1), by repair-and-maintenance squads (Kfz. 2/40), by artillery reconnaissance sonic measurement squads (Kfz.
統制型乗用車 (ドイツ国防軍) - Wikipedia
軽統制型乗用車はドイツ国防軍において小型兵員輸送車 (Kfz.1)、修理部隊向け車両 (Kfz.2/40)、砲兵観測部隊向け車両 (Kfz.3)、後部に連装式機関銃を搭載した中隊レベルの対空車両 (Kfz.4)などとして運用された。
Kfz. 1 & 3
The l. gl. Pkw. was manufactured by BMW, Hanomag and Stoewer. Nearly 17,800 exemplars were made from 1936 to 1943. The vehicle in this photo illustrates a Kfz. 1 of the staff of Kraftwagen Transport Abteilung 549.
le.gl.Pkw Kfz.1 - ICM Holding
2018年11月22日 · The light uniform all-road car – leichten gelände Einheits Personen-Kraftwagen – was manufactured by Stoewer Company and also by BMW and Hanomag since 1936. Since 1940 to 1943 Stoewer produced the simplified model Type …
Kfz. 1 l.gl.Pkw. - Kfz. der Wehrmacht
The leichte geländegängige Personenkraftwagen (Kfz. 1) based on the VW Type 82, which was classified by the Wehrmacht as l. Pkw. Typ K 1, was the most numerous vehicle of this class. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - << back to the Kfz. numbers
le. Einheits-Pkw - Kfz. der Wehrmacht
The leichter geländegängiger Personenkraftwagen, or sometimes designated as l. gl. Einheits-Pkw - literally translated: light cross-country standard-passenger car - was manufactured by Stoewer, Hanomag and BMW from 1936 to early 1944. The superstructures were delivered by ten different companies.
Le.gl.Einheits-Pkw (Kfz-1). 1:35 - Kits - Britmodeller.com
2019年1月4日 · Le.gl.Einheits-Pkw (Kfz-1) ICM 1:35 After 1933, Germany began to build a modern army. The light off-road passenger car was built by the BMW-Werk Eisenach under the designation BMW 325, as well as Hanomag (Typ 20 and Stoewer. The vehicles were used as troop carriers (Kfz. 1), by repair-and-mainten...
Sd.Kfz.——二战中的部分德军车辆及其编号 - 百度贴吧
Sd.Kfz.——二..Sd.Kfz. 2 履带式摩托Sd.Kfz. 2/1 履带式摩托的变型车,改装为战地布线车Sd.Kfz. 2/2 履带式摩托战地布线车,换装了更强劲的发动机Sd.Kfz. 3a 半履带式2吨载重卡车“
04 二战德国装甲车辆 - Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.A (Sd.Kfz.101)
上一章: molezhou:03 二战德国装甲车辆 - Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.A (Sd.Kfz.101) - 列装与早期作战中国抗日战场中国的军队在近一个世纪里始终处于较为落后的状态,始终无法与日本、英国、苏联和美国等强国相比…