BMW 4 Series Coupe M Models: Model overview, features, and specs. - BMW USA
Two powerful icons of sport. The high-performance BMW M4 Competition Coupe boasts up to 503 hp thanks to the 3.0-liter BMW M TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder gasoline engine. Equally impressive, the BMW M4 Competition xDrive Coupe includes the same powerhouse engine with all-wheel drive and 523 hp.
新BMW M4双门轿跑车 - 宝马中国
新BMW M4双门轿跑车 M xDrive 雷霆版搭载M专属高性能直列6缸双涡轮增压发动机,输出功率可达390 千瓦(530 马力) ,出色的动力表现和标志性的M发动机轰鸣声,随时唤醒内心的驾驶激情。
BMW M4 Competition x KITH
BMW M and New York-based lifestyle brand Kith present an exclusive special edition model of the new BMW M4 Competition Coupé. The BMW M4 Competition x KITH, available in the matt paint finishes Frozen Black, Frozen Dark Silver and Frozen Brilliant White, featuring unique exterior and interior design details, is strictly limited to 150 units ...
全新BMW 4系列雙門跑車M性能車款
全新BMW M4 Competition M xDrive雙門跑車配備M xDrive跑車化可調式四輪傳動系統、M跑車化電子懸吊系統及M運動化差速器,讓您無論在日常使用或賽道上皆能展現最大的循跡性、操控性和動態駕馭表現。
BMW M4 Coupé and M4 Competition Coupé
With its improved M TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cylinder petrol engine, the BMW M4 Competition Coupé underlines its claim to high performance. Numerous drivetrain and suspension technologies adapted from motor sports make this high-performance coupé more exciting and dynamic than ever before.
BMW M4 - Wikipedia
The BMW M4 is a high-performance version of the BMW 4 Series automobile developed by BMW 's motorsport division, BMW M, that has been built since 2014. As part of the renumbering that splits the coupé and convertible variants of the 3 Series into the 4 Series, the M4 replaced those variants of the BMW M3.
2025 BMW M4 Review, Pricing, and Specs - Car and Driver
The 2025 BMW M4 high-performance coupe is all business: Dense, muscular bodywork haunches down over massive tires, an exaggerated but functional front aerodynamic …
BMW M4 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BMW M4 是 BMW 下属赛车运动部门 BMW M公司 基于 4系列 车型所开发的一款高性能运动轿车,它是BMW有史以来速度最快的M系列量产车之一,0-100公里加速仅需4秒。作为BMW将3系列的 轿跑车 及 敞篷车 拆分并重编为4系列的一部分(以进一步区分 3系轿车),M4替代了 M3 的双门轿跑车和敞篷车型,同时也包括 ...
探店宝马M4 GT3 EVO,全碳覆盖件+超大尾翼,感受不一样的魅力! 数据加载中...
Used BMW M4 for Sale Near Me
We have 665 BMW M4s for sale with Free CARFAX Reports including Competition xDrive, Base, Competition and other trims. 442 BMW M4s are reported accident free and 254 are One-Owner cars.