BMW M Models Lineup - BMW USA
The M model that currently has the most horsepower is the 2025 BMW XM Label SUV, which yields a maximum horsepower of 738 hp, thanks to its 4.4-liter BMW M TwinPower Turbo V-8 engine paired with a high-performance electric motor. The BMW M8 Competition Gran Coupe is the fastest BMW M model with a 0-60 mph of just 3.0 seconds.
BMW M: Home of high performance cars
M. The most powerful letter in the world. BMW M has been a key player in the exceptional history of motorsport and stands for high-performance and passion every day - on the road or on the track.
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全新BMW M5:详情-BMW中国-BMW M5价格-BMW M5图片
搭载4.4升M专属高性能V8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成的M混合动力驱动系统,全新BMW M5以强劲动力直抵性能巅峰。 赛道灵魂与日常驾驶相融合,尽释天性。 源自BMW M Hybrid V8赛车的Hybrid V8驱动系统,集成M专属高性能V8双涡轮增压发动机与势若雷霆的电机系统,展现出色的全域加速能力,综合输出功率可达535千瓦/727马力,最大综合扭矩达1000牛米,以强劲组合,尽释雷霆快意。 自适应M运动悬架兼顾性能与舒适性,每根减震器均可在最短时间内独立调 …
ML Performance US | BMW M Performance Parts | BMW Styling …
Genuine BMW M Performance parts at competitive prices with outstanding customer service. An online store for all your BMW Modifications needs. ML Performance
ML Performance | BMW M Performance Parts | BMW Styling …
Genuine BMW M Performance parts at competitive prices with outstanding customer service. An online store for all your BMW Modifications needs. ML Performance
BMW M5 Sedan (G90):車型概覽、配置和價格
BMW M5 Sedan 搭載 M Hybrid ,從內到外都充滿高科技。 強勁的 M 系高性能 TwinPower Turbo V8 缸汽油引擎,結合電動驅動系統,為您在路上提供535kW(727 hp)的系統動力 [3][4] 舒適性、駕駛動力和操控性完美融合,共同展現商務房車與純跑車的極致性能。
全新BMW M235L四门轿跑车丨BMW中国官网 - 宝马中国
全新BMW M235L四门轿跑车发动机输出功率最高可达221kW,以澎湃动能,释放纯粹驾趣。 搭载M TwinPower Turbo 2.0升排量涡轮增压发动机,源源不断输出强劲动力,配合M运动调校制动系统,启停之间,尽显驾驭实力。 无论是想要平稳前行还是恣意驰骋,M自适应悬架可针对不同路况进行智能优化调节。 增强的车身刚性和运动转向系统,让每一次游弋皆可自如随心。 BMW M专属声浪,可根据加速踏板角度、发动机转速和扭矩实时提供增强模拟声浪,将真实声浪引入驾驶 …
All-electric high-performance from BMW M
With the electrified fleet from BMW M, the distinctive performance characteristics of the models are not only preserved, but at the same time enriched with completely new facets. Impressive acceleration meets outstanding dynamics and pioneering technologies.
BMW M - Wikipedia
BMW M GmbH, formerly known as BMW Motorsport GmbH, is a subsidiary of BMW AG that manufactures performance cars. BMW M ("M" for "motorsport") was initially created to facilitate BMW's racing program, which was very successful in the 1960s and 1970s.