BMW Q6.S Bike - AnandTech Forums
2005年2月11日 · I found this great deal for BMW Q6.S Bike MSRP $3,995.00 but you can get it for only $2,995.00 Check out this website...
Bike Forums - BMW Q6.s folder
2009年4月20日 · BMW has offered several folding bikes over the years, none of which to my knowledge was actually designed by them (same for Mercedes by the way). In addition to the Q6.S, there was the Q5.T (photo below). In 1996 BMW OEM'd folding bikes from Montague. One model was the "Official Mountain Bike" of the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta.
DOH! BMW's iDrive is Based on Windows CE! - AnandTech Forums
2000年10月24日 · Cars in BMW's new line, the BMW 7 Series, are equipped with a special kind of Windows: the Microsoft kind. Microsoft's Windows CE software will allow BMW drivers to navigate, make calls and control many of the cars' other features. The BMW 7 Series was launched in Germany last fall and has just been released in the United States.
Driving BMW after minimum oil level warning light (yellow) comes …
2012年9月26日 · Sell the BMW and buy a corolla, they tolerate this stuff much better. In all seriousness, based on just your question, I really do think you should sell the car before you destroy it. That being said, you are *probably* fine with the yellow light, but you really should top it up absolutely ASAP.
Bike Forums - 1988? Fuji Tiara
A new job and schedule has kept me busy for the last couple of months but just picked up this Fuji Tiara that I believe is an '88.
where is need for speed most wanted save files located?
2006年7月13日 · cant find it!!!.. arggg
Do EVERY car's steering wheel lock up if you turn off your car …
2000年4月20日 · You mean steering locked so that the key won't turn back on? If that ever happens on any car (and it can happen to almost any car with a steering lock, old or new), just jiggle the wheel slightly to the left and right while you're turning the key.
Absolute throttle position - correct - AnandTech Forums
2014年4月7日 · So, intuitively, I would think that you want the absolute throttle position % to be 0 when idling and 100% when the pedal is on the floor. (if not sooner?) My honda civic says about 9.8% at idle. It idles at about 700rpm while the engine is fully warmed up. I …
Car horn when trying to jump start - AnandTech Forums
2007年12月15日 · I just tried to start my 2006 G35 after 6 months of it sitting idle, and I believe my battery is dead, because it doesn't respond at all. I tried hooking it up to my friends car to jump start it, but when I connect the negative to the engine block, …
Alternative to Eyefinity? Multi-Monitor Gaming
2008年12月21日 · From what I've read in reviews, the 5850 should be enough for 3 22" monitors, and there is always overclocking as well.