G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
With the BMW G 310 GS, your everyday life becomes an adventure. Thanks to the optimized engine with Ride by Wire and a slipper clutch, you can master the urban jungle and make trips into the surrounding areas.
Bmw G 310 Gs Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Bmw G motorcycles from local Bmw dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Bmw motorcycles on Cycle Trader. <p>Nice G 310 GS.
BMW G310GS: FULL TEST - Dirt Bike Magazine
BMW claims it weighs 374 pounds with a full tank of fuel. That’s over 100 pounds lighter than an R 1200 GS and maybe 40 pounds heavier than a Honda XR650L dual-sport. You can take it on smooth dirt roads all day long without feeling like you’re doing something wrong.
G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
BMW G 310 GS 搭配富有个性的宇宙黑,竞速红以及极地白/竞速蓝,与一骑绝尘的果敢特质相得益彰。 令探险激情,恣意挥洒。 勇往直前,尽享骑行乐趣。 从2019款起摩托车均可享受三年保修期限。 GS的可靠和多样是毫无疑问的。 G 310 GS的典型设计体现出传奇的 GS 精神。 轮廓线、防护性防风罩和著名的 GS 人体工程学设计可以让摩托车在多种路面都能为驾驶者带来强烈的骑行乐趣。 在城市的丛林中,你将吸引所有人的目光。 高质量的设计元素更在冒险旅途中突出GS …
2023 BMW G 310 GS Review - Cycle World
2024年1月19日 · Originally available to US riders in 2018, the G 310 GS is BMW’s take on the lightweight adventure bike segment. BMW developed the G 310 GS on the already existing G 310 R platform manufactured...
Data & Equipment | G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
In the typical relaxed GS seat position, you have a perfect view of every adventure. Find out all about the technical data and extensive standard equipment here. 3.0 gal. approx. 0.25 gal. 1) According to Directive (EU) 168/2013 with all operating fluids, with standard equipment and refuelled with min. 90% of the usable tank capacity.
規格與配備 | G 310 GS | BMW Motorrad
The BMW G 310 GS 無論你是每天往返於城市,還是穿越鄉村、森林小徑和崎嶇道路,G 310 GS 能為每位騎手帶來純正的騎行享受。 在一個放鬆和稍微抬高的座椅位置,可以精確地觀察並應對每一個挑戰。
BMW G 310 GS Price - Mileage, Images, Colours - BikeWale
The BMW G 310 GS is a adventure bike available at a starting price of Rs. 3,30,000 in India. It comes in 1 variant and 4 colours. It is powered by a 313 cc BS6 Phase 2 engine and has a user reported mileage of 29 kmpl.
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BMW G310GS (2017-on) Review | Owner & Expert Ratings - Motorcycle News
2025年2月12日 · Read our in-depth expert BMW G310GS review on MCN - economical, entry-level adventure bike with GS-inspired looks.
BMW 2021 G Series 310 GS ABS | 車款介紹 - Yahoo奇摩汽車機車
BMW G310R使用小排量單缸引擎,營造輕巧操控、節能省油還有降低成本等優點,G310R導入600c.c仿賽等級的41mm倒立前叉,前制動系統為輻射對四卡鉗搭配300mm單碟,而且還標準配備ABS,整體用料非常不錯。