创新BMW XM Label Red限量版 | BMW中国官网
臻于至善,直抵超然新境。极境至臻,锋芒毕现。当由BMW M部门研发设计的首款高性能插电混动车型——创新BMW XM完成究极进化,创新BMW XM Label Red限量版应运而生。恢弘磅礴之姿,蕴含迅捷力量,雷霆万钧之力,尽享叱咤快意。欢迎访问BMW中国官网了解更多信息!
创新BMW XM | BMW中国官网
由BMW M部门独立研发设计的首款高性能插电混动车型——BMW XM,以惊雷掣电之姿傲世登临,一统两极。 360千瓦(489马力)的高效内燃机联袂145千瓦(197马力)的BMW eDrive电动动力单元,纯电续航78公里(WLTC),至高动力与能效,搭载多种驾驶模式,全域游刃,肆意 ...
With a system output of 550 kW (748 hp), the BMW XM Label Red is the most powerful BMW M model ever made. The distinguishing features of the performance-maximising XM variant include an accent band in Toronto Red metallic, although a black accent band also can be specified.
BMW XM High-Performance Luxury SUV | BMW USA
Discover the BMW XM: the first pure M since the iconic BMW M1 – and the first electrified M in history. Moving the world takes a powerful confluence of vision and energy. This unprecedented SUV brings the intensity of high-performance engineering, made legendary by BMW M, and races ahead into the future. You've never held such force in your hands.
THE FIRST-EVER BMW XM. Exclusive, expressive, electrified: The new BMW XM combines impressive presence with the high performance of a BMW M and powerful plug-in hybrid technology of the latest generation. BMW XM*: Fuel consumption, combined WLTP in l/100 km: 1.6–1.5 CO2 emissions, combined WLTP in g/km: 36–33
这台车的安全性表现堪称顶级. 买车无忧 、 海量车源、品质保障、上门评估、轻松卖高价 、马上 高价卖车。 一周车市点评:美国进口车加税,中国品牌疯狂让利! 运动座椅+舒适座椅? 这台M Power的座椅你喜欢吗? M Power不减重还加安全配置? 这台车的安全性表现堪称顶级. 宝马XM震撼来袭! 搭3.0T+8AT+5.1秒破百, 内饰豪华. 深度解析宝马XM:带电的M Power,依旧是性能猛兽? 【五号车论】 外表和性格极度分裂! 暴力驾驶大块头宝马XM. 宝马旗舰,德不配位? 又热 …
宝马BMW XM_百度百科
宝马BMW XM是首款采用 M 混合动力驱动系统的 BMW 车型,结合 V8 发动机与高性能电机,同时首次搭载了专为混合动力使用的 M xDrive 智能全轮驱动系统。
BMW XM - Wikipedia
The BMW XM is a full-size automobile manufactured in the United States by German marque BMW since 2022. [5][6] It is a crossover SUV with a plug-in hybrid electric drivetrain, and is the second car developed entirely by BMW M, after the BMW M1 in 1978. [8]
超过200万元售价的插混 无直接竞品——BMW XM全球首发
2022年9月28日 · 创新BMWXM搭载了 宝马 史上最强大的混合动力系统,一套由4.4L V8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成的M混合动力驱动系统,综合最大输出功率高达480千瓦,综合峰值扭矩高达800牛·米,结合领先的8速MSteptronic手自一体变速箱及M xDrive智能全轮驱动系统,其0-100公里/小时加速时间仅需4.3秒。 创新BMW XM所配备的M混合动力驱动系统运用了第五代BMW eDrive电驱技术,装备了永磁同步电机与三元锂电池组。 在WLTP标准下,创新BMW XM的纯 …
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