氮化硼(BN)常见的表征方法 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氮化硼(BN)是由氮原子和硼原子通过不同杂化方式所构成的晶体。BN晶体主要有四种不同的变体:具有sp3杂化B-N键的 立方氮化硼 (c-BN)和 纤锌矿氮化硼 (w-BN),以及具有sp2杂化B-N键的 六方氮化硼 (h-BN)和 菱方氮化硼 (r-BN)。其中h-BN和c-BN为热力学稳定 ...
XPS spectra of the BN sample. (a) Survey spectrum; (b) B1s; (c) …
Flake boron nitride (BN) in large yield was successfully synthesized at low temperature from the combustion synthesized precursor. The precursor was prepared by a low-temperature (350 °C)...
XPS spectra of a B1s, b N1s, c C1s and d O1s for h-BN
Oxygen and carbon peaks shown in survey plot most likely resulted from the exposure of f-BNNSs to air or during the XPS measurement groundwork. The deconvoluted binding energies of B 1s at 189.6...
立方氮化硼薄膜表面XPS研究 - 豆丁网
2015年5月16日 · 从 xps 谱图计算得到含有立方相的氮化 硼薄膜的N/B 为0.90,较接近于氮化硼的理想化学配 比1:1;不含立方相的氮化硼薄膜的N/B 为0.86,离
层状氮化硼纳米片的制备及表征 - USTB
2019年7月4日 · 六方氮化硼纳米片(h-BNNSs)是一种结构类似于石墨烯的二维纳米材料,被称作“白色石墨烯”,具有优异的物理化学性能,如高温稳定性 [1] 、低介电常数 [2] 、高机械强度 [3] 、高热导性 [4 - 5] 、高耐腐蚀性 [6] 和高吸附性 [7] 等,被广泛研究并应用于纳米电子器件、催化剂载体、污染物的吸附、储氢、药物的释放和水的净化等领域 [8 - 10]。...
Quantitative Characterization of Structural and Mechanical …
2017年9月12日 · The displayed peaks of around 190.6 eV in binding energy in the XPS spectra are the characteristics of the BN bond, while the peaks around 192.3 eV are associated with B 2 O 3 41,42,43,44.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of cubic boron nitride …
2012年2月1日 · The defects, impurities and their bonding states of unintentionally doped cubic boron nitride (cBN) single crystals were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results indicate that nitrogen vacancy (V N) is the main native defect of the cBN crystals since the atomic ratio of B:N is always larger than 1 before Ar ion ...
XPS spectra of porous h-BN and commercial h-BN. B 1s core-level ...
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), an emerging two-dimensional material, has attracted great attention in various fields. However, due to its large band gap (ca. 6 eV), h-BN has not yet been...
Boron Spectra – BN – pyrolytic - The International XPS Database 1
The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on sample, as received, and Scofield cross-sections. Atom% values are corrected for IMFP and PE. Peak-fits are guides for practical, real-world applications.
Direct growth of large-area graphene and boron nitride ... - Nature
2015年3月4日 · X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was taken to determine the vertically stacked graphene/h-BN heterostructures grown on the surface of the growth...
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