Nina Flip - Brand New Animal Wiki
Nina Flip (ニナ・フリップ, Nina Furippu) is a supporting character in BNA: Brand New Animal. She is the daughter of Giuliano Flip and a dolphin Beastman. She is a junior high school student. In her human form, Nina has a tan complexion, large turquoise eyes, aqua eyebrows, long aqua hair pulled into a...
Dolphin Daydream | Brand New Animal Wiki | Fandom
Dolphin Daydream is the 4th episode of the BNA: Brand New Animal anime series. Michiru and Nina travel to the mainland to attend a party. Michiru meets Nina, and the two attend a party on the mainland. Nina gets to experience human life while Michiru struggles back to being human again. Giuliano...
《BNA》是吉成曜执导、中岛一基编剧的原创电视动画作品,于2019年7月6日在“Anime Expo 2019”上发表了该企划。 该片由TRIGGER负责制作,于2020年4月8日起每周三在富士电视台首播,中国大陆由bilibili独家正版发布。
Brand New Animal Wiki | Fandom
Brand New Animal (ビー・エヌ・エー) is a one-season anime series by Studio Trigger. In the 21st century, beastmen who had been hidden in the darkness of history began to reveal their existence. One day, Michiru Kagemori suddenly becomes a raccoon beastman. To escape from humans she goes to Beastman Special Zone "Anima City".
BNA: Brand New Animal - Wikipedia
BNA: Brand New Animal (Japanese: BNA ビー・エヌ・エー, Hepburn: Bī Enu Ē), simply known as BNA, is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Trigger and directed by Yoh Yoshinari. The series' first six episodes premiered on Netflix in Japan in March 2020; another six episodes premiered in May of the same year.
妮娜 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
妮娜·奥尔洛克 (Nina Orlox)———— light 制作的游戏《Vermilion -Bind of Blood-》的登场角色。 妮娜·奥塔姆 (Nina Autumn)———— Seven Wonder 制作的游戏《太阳神普罗米亚》的登场角色。
Nina Voice - BNA: Brand New Animal (TV Show) - Behind The Voice Actors
Erika Harlacher is the English dub voice of Nina in BNA: Brand New Animal, and Ami Maeshima is the Japanese voice. TV Show: BNA: Brand New Animal
BNA (BNA: Brand New Animal) - MyAnimeList.net
Looking for information on the anime BNA (BNA: Brand New Animal)? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. Throughout history, humans have been at odds with Beastmen—a species capable of changing shape due to their genetic "Beast Factor."
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如何评价BNA? - 知乎
从今年 4 月开始,Trigger 新作《BNA》又一次吸引了全世界动画迷的目光,动画通过三大平台 Netflix、富士电视台的 +Ultra 和哔哩哔哩分别锁定欧美、日本和中国大陆的观众,并以“6+6”分割的形式进行放送。 而明星动画人吉成曜也在继《小魔女学园》之后,第二次担任了 TV 动画的监督。 那么,这部动画究竟值不值得一看呢? 熟悉 Trigger 的观众很清楚,作为创始人之一的今石洋之已经把个人烙印深深地刻在了这家公司的基因以及其出品的动画里。 这导致了其产出的作品拥 …
Category:Characters | Brand New Animal Wiki | Fandom
This page contains all the characters appearing through Brand New Animal manga and anime. Picture.
BNA: Brand New Animal (Anime) - TV Tropes
BNA: Brand New Animal is a 2020 anime produced by Studio TRIGGER, directed by Yoh Yoshinari (Little Witch Academia) and written by Kazuki Nakashima (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill, and Promare).
动物新世代 BNA ビー・エヌ・エー (2020) - 豆瓣电影
2020年3月21日 · 初看BNA时,和许多观众一样,我认为这是网飞投资下一部探讨种族冲突与和解的时髦动画,一部迎合西方种族平等潮流的政治正确之作。 但随着剧情的进展,我渐渐发现:这部作品既没有真正关注种族问题,也不像我原先想象的那么“政治正确”。 让我们先从第一个问题开始:为什么BNA没... (展开) bna依然是制作一流的垃圾。 那个狂化病不是阴某,是确有其事的时候我特么吐了,硬着头皮看下去还纯种消灭杂种来了,所有立意全没了。 平等和歧视问题就是噱 …
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Marie Itami | Brand New Animal Wiki | Fandom
Marie Itami (マリー伊丹, Marī Itami) is a character in the BNA: Brand New Animal series by Studio Trigger. She is a Mink Beastman and is well-connected and rooted in the society and culture of Anima City. She comes to Michiru's aid in several instances and helps Michiru acclimate to life in Anima...
Watch BNA | Netflix Official Site
Morphed into a raccoon beastman, Michiru seeks refuge, and answers, with the aid of wolf beastman Shirou inside the special zone of Anima-City. Starring:Sumire Morohoshi, …
BNA - watch tv show streaming online
2 天之前 · Currently you are able to watch "BNA" streaming on Netflix, Netflix basic with Ads. Morphed into a raccoon beastman, Michiru seeks refuge, and answers, with the aid of wolf …
Season 1 – BNA: Brand New Animal - Rotten Tomatoes
One day, schoolgirl Michiru suddenly wakes up transformed into an animal. She eventually finds refuge in Anima City, a city full of beasts. There she meets the wolf-man Shirou Ogami, with …
Lisa | Brand New Animal Wiki | Fandom
Lisa (リサ, Risa) is a supporting character in BNA: Brand New Animal. She is an SNS friend of Nina Flip and a human. Lisa has fair skin, long, pink hair, dark pink eyebrows, pink eyes, and wears pink lipstick. She wears a black crop top, white pants …
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