Home | English (US) | BNI Stars
BNI: Largest Referral Organization. BNI Website Home page for BNI Stars in English (US)
Increase Revenue | San Francisco | BNI STARS
BNI Stars is the first neighborhood chapter of Business Networking International (BNI) in San Francisco. Come grow your business with us!
BNI Stars - BNI Vietnam
Giám đốc: Lê Minh Quang Điện thoại: 0945365165 Website: Click vào đây
Chapter Members | English (US) - BNI Stars
BNI: Largest Referral Organization. BNI Website Chapter Members page for BNI Stars in English (US)
BNI Stars - Become A Star
JOIN US! 5 STEPS TO BECOMING A BNI STARS Visit our chapter, experience a meeting and the members. Reach out to our membership committee. Figure out who are your potential …
Home | Vietnamese | BNI Stars
Our Chapter Passed 156.507.084.670 VND in the past 12 months! BNI members, on average, increase their business 20% the first year. Our chapter is a dynamic, committed group of business people who know how to refer business to each other. Come for our meeting -- …
BNI星辰分会每周四准时相聚! 每周四,BNI Stars... - BNI Stars
BNI星辰分会每周四准时相聚! 每周四,BNI Stars 的伙伴们都会齐聚一堂,互相支持、共同成长,为彼此创造更多的商机! 本周我们更换了新的背景,让会议增添了一抹新气象。
#BNI #主题呈现 15/02/2024 (四)... - BNI Stars - Kuching
想要一次过认识超过40位生意伙伴,也让更多人认识您和您的生意? 约定您这个星期四 2月15日参加BNI STARS星辰分会的ZOOM 线上会议。 #免费入场哦 ! 欲参加或了解更多,请PM小编。 我们到时见!
The BNI Stars Membership Rooster
Want to network in San Francisco. Meet the team of vetted business professionals at BNI Stars.
BNI Stars – BNI Vietnam
Ngày 20/12/2022 vừa qua tại Khách sạn Eastin Grand Saigon, TP HCM đã diễn ra lễ kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập BNI STARS. Buổi lễ có sự góp mặt của toàn bộ các Thành viên trong Chapter, các Thành viên Chapter khác và khách mời đặc biệt. BNI …