Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wikipedia
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian: Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine; Cyrillic: Армија Републике Босне и Херцеговине; ARBiH), often referred to as Bosnian Army, was the military force of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine - Wikipedia
Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (Armija RBiH ili ARBiH) bila je oružana snaga Republike Bosne i Hercegovine za vrijeme rata u Bosni i Hercegovini. Armija RBiH osnovana je 15. aprila 1992. što se obilježavalo kao Dan armije.
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ共和国軍 - Wikipedia
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ共和国軍(ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナきょうわこくぐん、ボスニア語・クロアチア語・セルビア語: Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine; ARBiH )は、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争勃発後の1992年に創設されたボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナの国軍。
5th Corps (Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Inventory of ARBiH weaponry grew exponentially after Operation Sana 95 which equipped the unit for further Operation Prijedor 95. In April 2018, police detained Atif Dudaković and 12 others on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity during the Bosnian war.
BOV (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
The BOV (Serbian: Борбено оклопно возило (БОВ), romanized: Borbeno oklopno vozilo (BOV), lit. 'Combat Armored Vehicle'), is an all-wheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia and today in Serbia. [3] . The second generation BOV is currently in development.
Bosnian ARBiH Tribute | Abhal Islam Nasheed - YouTube
A tribute video showcasing the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH) during the Bosnian War, set to the nasheed Abhal Islam. This video is m...
Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian, Croatian: Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine, ARBiH; Serbian: Армија Републике Босне и Херцеговине, АРБиХ) was the military force of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina established by the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 following ...
Drugi korpus Armije RBiH – Wikipedija
Prva brigada Armije RBiH stvorena je u Tuzli (Prva tuzlanska brigada) a prva postrojba koja je položila prisegu Republici Bosni i Hercegovini u Zvorniku (Kula Grad). Spriječili su postrojbe JNA da 15. svibnja 1992. godine na Brčanskoj malti u Tuzli odvezu oružje TO.
萨拉热窝 - 百度百科
萨拉热窝(Sarajevo)是 波斯尼亚 - 黑塞哥维那 的首都和经济、文化中心。 二战 后萨拉热窝曾是 南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国 的 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳社会主义共和国 的首都,在中部 萨瓦河 支流博斯纳河上游附近。 群山环抱,风景秀丽的古城。 人口37.5万,连郊区44.9万(1981)。 建于1263年。 1914年6月28日 奥匈帝国 皇储 斐迪南大公 在此被 塞尔维亚 民族主义者刺杀,这个事件成为 第一次世界大战 的 导火线。 陆运 交通枢纽。 工业有 动力设备 、汽车制造、 金属加工 …
Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Wikipedia
The Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Serbo-Croatian: Oružane snage Bosne i Hercegovine / Оружане снаге Босне и Херцеговине or OSBiH) is the official military force of Bosnia and Herzegovina.