BOV M11 - Wikipedia
The BOV M11 is part of the BOV family of light armored vehicles. The M11 is a 4x4 all-wheel drive vehicle specialized in reconnaissance. It is manufactured in Yugoimport SDPR factory in Velika Plana, Serbia. [2] The BOV M11 has a primary role as a reconnaissance vehicle and command-reconnaissance vehicle.
BOV (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
BOV M11 - armored reconnaissance vehicle. BOV M15 - armoured personnel carrier for the military police based on BOV-VP with new engine, transmission, run-flat tires, remote controlled weapon station (RCWS) with a 12.7 mm machine gun and better armour protection. [5]
BOV M11 represents a member of modern 4x4 BOV multi-role armoured vehicle family, intended for integration of variety of weapon systems and equipment, giving a vehicle family possibility for very wide range of combat and noncombat use at modern battlefield.
BOV M11 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The BOV M11 is a part of a family BOV (Borbeno Oklopno Vozilo), literally "Combat Armored Vehicle", with specialized reconnaissance role based on 4x4 all-wheel drive. It is armored vehicle manufactured in SDPR "Complex Battle Systems" factory in Velika Plana, Serbia.
和中国颇有渊源的前南斯拉夫TAM公司|装甲车|拉扎尔|塞尔维亚|斯 …
2022年10月26日 · Jugoimport公司开发M10/11 装甲车 (利用之前剩余的BOV-1/3车体)两种型号都是侦察车,配属于炮兵单位内。 BOV M10用于炮兵侦察,配备。 除了三名车族成员外,车辆还可容纳5人。
BOV求生车(Bug Out Vehicle,简称BOV)是一种专门设计用于在紧急情况下逃离危险区域或进行长途旅行的车辆。 这些车辆通常具有以下特点: 1、耐用性:BOV通常使用坚固的材料和结构设计,以确保在恶劣的道路和环境条件下正常运行。
南斯拉夫的装甲车。 4的一部分。 国家解体(1980-1991)
2015年2月20日 · BMP的主要武器是20毫米M55自动加农炮(根据Hispano-Suiza许可证在南斯拉夫生产),备弹400发,能够对抗敌方轻型装甲车以及低空飞行的目标。穿甲弹可穿透20-30毫米装甲,射程可达800 m,搭配一挺7,92毫米M-53机枪,其满载弹量为2250发。
File : Bangladesh Army BOV M11 armored reconnaissance vehicle ...
2019年1月2日 · File: Bangladesh Army BOV M11 armored reconnaissance vehicle. (32305980000).jpg
BOV M11 — Wikipédia
Le M11 est un véhicule 4x4 à traction intégrale spécialisé dans la reconnaissance. Il s'agit d'un véhicule blindé fabriqué dans l'usine Yugoimport SDPR de Velika Plana, en Serbie 1. Le BOV M11 a un rôle principal en tant que véhicule de reconnaissance et véhicule de commandement-reconnaissance.
Category : BOV M-11 - Wikimedia
Bangladesh Army BOV M11 armored reconnaissance vehicle. (32305980000).jpg 2,000 × 1,336; 1.98 MB