Bunkering - BP Sinopec Marine Fuels - Bunker Supplier, Marine …
Established in 2015, BP Sinopec Marine Fuels is a 50:50 marine fuels bunkering joint-venture between the oil majors, BP and Sinopec Fuel Oil. Based in Singapore, we combine together the strengths of BP’s deep global experience and network in the marine supply business and integrate it with Sinopec’s expertise in China, giving our customers ...
BP and Sinopec set up joint venture marine bunkering business
2015年5月19日 · BP and Sinopec Fuel Oil today announce the formation of a 50:50 marine fuels bunkering joint-venture, BP Sinopec Marine Fuels Pte Ltd. Based in Singapore, one of the largest and busiest ports in the world, the joint venture will build out from its partners existing bunkering locations and activities. In addition to marine bunkering in Singapore ...
Bunkering - BP Sinopec Marine Fuels - Bunker Supplier, Marine …
Established in 2015, BP Sinopec Marine Fuels is a 50:50 marine fuels bunkering joint-venture between the oil majors, BP and Sinopec Fuel Oil.
bp 与中国石化扩大战略合作伙伴关系,探索能源转型机遇
2024年1月18日 · 其中 bp 电动化及移动出行(bp pulse)业务为快速发展的出行变革创造新的解决方案,致力于成为领先的新能源汽车补能供应商之一。 截至目前,bp pulse 已在全国重点城市安装和运营接近 20,000 个充电枪,充电数字化平台突破 100 万用户。
China Sinopec
Sinopec and BP are both pioneers in energy transition from traditional energy and chemical companies. Built upon solid partnership, they have made joint strategic steps to embrace energy transformation and nurture new businesses.
Sinopec, BP agree to stronger cooperation in fuel sales, trading
2024年1月18日 · BP and Chinese state oil major Sinopec signed a memorandum of understanding at the World Economic Forum in Davos to strengthen cooperation in areas including fuel sales, oil and gas trading,...
Energy giants Sinopec and BP to strengthen ties in China
2024年1月18日 · China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, better known as Sinopec, has reached an initial agreement with BP to extend their strategic partnership and explore opportunities in China’s...
BP Sinopec Petroleum Co. Ltd | PF Nexus
中石化碧辟(浙江)石油有限公司(以下简称中石化BP)成立于2005年,是由世界两大石油巨头--中石化和BP强强联手共同投资成立的一家中外合资企业:中国石化,网络覆盖遍及全国、服务便捷通达,稳居世界财富500强前列,始终值得信赖;BP(碧辟)来自英国,引领世界的多元化全球能源企业,每天为千万用户出行提供各类能源,以智慧创造与众不同。 中石化与BP的强强联合、优势互补将引领中石化BP阔步向前,共创巅峰! 中石化BP主要经营加油站油品零售及便利店业 …
BP与中石化成立船用油料合资公司 | 新闻中心 | bp中国
2015年5月19日 · BP是全球知名和领先的船用燃料油供应商,中石化是该领域国内领先的供应商。 双方在中国及海外合作多年。 此次合资公司的组建是双方持续合作伙伴关系的重要延续。 除在新加坡提供相关燃料加注服务外,合资公司还将在全球其他重要的港口为客户提供销售服务。 由BP中国石化船用燃料油私人有限公司服务的这些港口将包括:新加坡、阿联酋富查伊拉、比利时安特卫普、荷兰鹿特丹和阿姆斯特丹、中国天津、青岛、上海、宁波和深圳。 BP是全球知名和 …
Sinopec, BP sign MoU to deepen cooperation on new energy
2024年1月22日 · China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), China's largest oil refiner, and British Petroleum (BP) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to deepen cooperation on new energy. Under the MoU, the two sides will work together to strengthen cooperation in the retail of refined oil, petroleum and natural gas/liquefied natural gas ...