Business Process Reengineering: Automation Decision Points …
2012年12月15日 · This book deals with different concepts, approaches and applications for business process re-engineering. It illustrates how to take giant strides to attain market dominance in a dynamic business world. The book shows how automation of re-engineered processes can increase competitive advantage for a firm.
- 5/5(1)
In this book, Graham provides a well-researched and comprehensive resource for understanding and implementing Business Process Reengineering and is an invaluable read for all practitioners of the subject and for those wishing to learn more about BPR.
Business Process Reengineering - Springer
Business process reengineering (BPR) focuses on redesigning the strategic and value-added processes which transcend the organizational boundaries. It is a cross-functional approach that requires support from almost all the departments of the organization.
什么是BPR? - 知乎
BPR的全称是Business Process Reengineering,意思是 业务流程重组。 BPR是一种挑战当前流程然后 推倒重来 的一种改善方法,这种方法其实和精益管理 [1] 的思想是一脉相连的。 BPR和精益管理的典型例子是来自银行业,在20世纪80年代末和90年代末,如果我们想从我们的银行账户中取钱,需要经过以下一些步骤,如果我们套用精益思想,就会发现很多步骤都是不增值的。 上述过程有很多缺点。 我们只能在银行的营业时间去银行。 某些银行没有很多分行,因此,我们不得 …
Business Process Re-engineering BPR The Ultimate Step-By-Step …
2022年3月25日 · Featuring new and updated case-based questions, organized into seven core levels of Business Process Re-engineering BPR maturity, this Self-Assessment will help you identify areas in which Business Process Re-engineering BPR improvements can be made.
- 3/5(1)
8 Best Books on Business Process Re-Engineering
Here is the complete list of Business Process Re-Engineering Books with their authors, publishers, and an unbiased review of them as well as links to the Amazon website to directly purchase them. If permissible, you can also download the free PDF books on Business Process Re-Engineering below.
CSC Index – Not just a hammer
CSC Index was one of the pioneers in Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Books published through CSC Index include: Reengineering the Corporation by Jim Champy; The discipline of Market Leaders (Value Disciplines) by Tracey and Wiersema
请问流程再造(BPR)相对于全面质量管理(TQM)有哪些优势?如 …
业务流程再造(bpr)是一種推倒重來的手段,在商业环境中建立结构和流程上发生改革。 因此,业务流程再造(BPR)很可能会有技术进步和人力资源的自动化技术的替代,以提高组织的效率和生产力、增加灵活性和适应性,以适应竞争性商业环境的快速变化。
2008年6月16日 · This textbook explores the fundamental principles of Business Process Reengineering (BPR). The express aim of the book is to address the needs of MBA students opting for courses in...
Michael Martin Hammer - Wikipedia
Articles written by Hammer have been published in the Harvard Business Review and The Economist. Some of his writings include: Beyond Re-engineering: How the Process-centered Organization is Reshaping Our Work and Our Lives (1996). "Re-engineering Revolution" was on the best seller list for 41 weeks. [5]