BPS 260-1 - Schmersal
BPS 260-1 - 操动件和传感器安装在同一平面上 - Schmersal
Schmersal 执行器, 编码执行器, IP67, BPS 260系列, BPS 260-1
从RS在线订购Schmersal 执行器, 编码执行器, IP67, BPS 260系列, BPS 260-1 或其他非接触式安全开关并指定次日送货,可享受一流服务和大量电子元件享有更佳价格
Schmersal - BPS260-1 - Magnetic Safety Sensor Actuator, 36 x 26 …
Schmersal BPS260-1 Magnetic Safety Sensor Actuator, 36 x 26 x 13 mm, 101184395, BPS Series Mfr. Part #: BPS260-1 / RS Stock #: 71931459
BPS 260-1 | Schmersal BPS 260 Series Magnetic Actuator, …
This magnetic actuator from Schmersal activates the switching of the BNS 260 range of non-contact switches. Its compact size makes it ideal for use in applications where there's limited …
BPS 260-1 SCHMERSAL - Magnet | IP67; -25÷70°C; 26x36x13mm; …
SCHMERSAL BPS 260-1 | Magnet; IP67; -25÷70°C; 26x36x13mm - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Check out our wide range of products.
K.A. Schmersal GmbH, Möddinghofe 30, D-42279 Wuppertal The data and values have been checked throroughly. Technical modifications and errors excepted. Generiert am 21.04.2011 - …
BPS 260-1
SCHMERSAL BPS 260-1 | 磁铁; IP67; -25÷70°C; 26x36x13mm - 产品在Transfer Multisort Elektronik,查看更多我们的产品
BPS 260-1 安全门开关 磁门开关 德国施迈赛SCHMERSAL
本公司生产销售安全门开关 安全门开关 磁门开关,提供安全门开关专业参数,安全门开关价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.安全门开关 安全门开关 品牌SCHMERSAL|产地广东省|价 …
BPS 260-1 - Schmersal
Technical amendments and errors possible.
Ordering data Product type description BPS 260-1 Article number (order number) 101184395 EAN (European Article Number)