BPS ® C5: on the fast track – with maximum efficiency - gi-de.com
Tailor-made for a new level of efficiency, the BPS® C5 precisely fulfills banknote processing requirements with efficiency, flexibility and user-friendliness.
The sensor system of the BPS® C5 checks and sorts banknotes quickly, precisely and reliably. The system is convincing in the detection of counterfeits (including so-called composed banknotes) and in sorting according to predefined fitness criteria or central bank standards. If required, interfaces for video surveillance and the industrial firewall BPS® Eco-Protect provide additional security.
Banknote processing systems: reliable and efficient | G+D
BPS ® C5 not available in Mainland China Developed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized cash centers, count rooms and back offices within large bank branches. The BPS C5 precisely fulfills banknote processing requirements, with outstanding efficiency, flexibility, and user-friendliness.
2020年2月12日 · The BPS C5 was developed to specifically meet the needs of small and medium-sized cash centers and count rooms, as well as back offices within large bank branches. In all these areas, ever-increa-sing competitive and price pressures necessitate streamlined processes, increased productivity, and reduced costs, as well as a high level of flexibility to adapt to future requirements.
The BPS C5 was developed to specifically meet the needs of small and medium- sized cash centers and count rooms, as well as back ofices within large bank branches. In all these areas, ever-increas-ing competitive and price pressures neces-sitate streamlined processes, increased productivity, and reduced costs, as well as a high level of …
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BPS C5 - Universal
The BPS C5 is based on a joint platform concept with the BPS C2 product family, so the functionalities, software, and controls are virtually identical. This means you benefit from greater efficiency and a considerable reduction in effort for updates, upgrades, and system integration – in terms of outlay for training, switching to a new system ...
G+D BPS® C5 | Altech FZCO
The BPS ® C5 has been developed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized cash centers and count rooms, as well as back offices within large bank branches. In all these areas, ever-increasing competitive and price pressures necessitate streamlined processes, increased productivity, and reduced costs, not to mention a high level of flexibility to adapt to future requirements. The solution ...
Bps-c5 - SPS-Cash Handling Solutions
The BPS ® C5 has been developed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized cash centers and count rooms, as well as back offices within large bank branches. In all these areas, ever-increasing competitive and price pressures necessitate streamlined processes, increased productivity, and reduced costs, not to mention a high level of ...
BPS® C5 On the fast track – with maximum efficiency
The BPS C5 communicates via secure SFTP and features multiple interfaces required for smooth networking with cash management software or connecting to accessories. The BPS C5’s BDM is a new optional online banding function that benefits cash center processes in several ways.
BPS® C5: with maximum efficiency - CIS Integration
Boost your banknote processing efficiency with BPS® C5. This advanced machine offers exceptional performance, flexibility, and ease of use.