BPS® M7: highest security and efficiency | G+D - gi-de.com
The BPS ® M7 is at the core of G+D's “High-Speed World”. It is the modular banknote processing systems for central bank cash centers, where intelligent automation like the NotaTray ® Loading system complement highspeed processing and integrate every single banknote into highly automated smart logistics.
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BPS M7 B - gi-de.com
The BPS M7 offers maximum reliability for authentication, fitness assessment, counting, and sorting – with a high throughput of up to 120,000 banknotes per hour 0.0 Tolerance The BPS® M7 is the centerpiece of the Giesecke+Devrient High-Speed World. It blazes a trail into the connected and fully automated cash process-ing of the future ...
bps m7. 全球性能最佳的钞票清分设备. 清分速度达每秒33张. 尖端的识别技术,让假钞无处可遁 > 详情
BPS® M7: highest security and efficiency for the high-speed world
2022年4月12日 · The BPS® M7 is at the core of G+D's “High-Speed World”. It is the modular banknote processing systems for central bank cash centers, where intelligent automa...
bps m7 能够根据央行、商业银行、 押运公司和大型娱乐场所等客户的不 同需要而配置。它可以提供2个到20 个出钞堆叠口的配置,高度灵活,达 到最佳配置效果。 投资bps m7可以说是一项长远 决策。这一系统能够很好地与用户现 有的基础设施和工作流程相匹配,也
The BPS® M7 is the centerpiece of the Giesecke+Devrient Currency Technology High-Speed World. It blazes a trail into the connected and fully automated cash processing of the future, especially when combined with additional automated solutions such as …
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BPS - gi-de.com
BPS M7: High-speed excellence for central banks The new BPS M7, G+D’s most advanced high-speed system, is designed to meet all the demands of a modern central bank cash center. Built for continuous, heavy-duty operation with a throughput of up to 120,000 banknotes per hour, the system ensures maximum counting and sorting accuracy. SensorFusion:
Q_GD 10101-2020BPS M7系列纸币清分机产品标准(19页)-原 …
1 Q/GD 10101-2020 BPS M7 系列纸币清分机产品标准 1 范围 本标准规定了深圳捷佳德现金自动化处理设备有限公司生产的 BPS M7 系列纸币清分机的通用技术要 求、测试方法和检验规则。 2 引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。 凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改 单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准。 凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新的版本适用于本 标准。
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BPS M7 offers superior perfor-mance not only in terms of productivity and throughput, but also with regard to authentication and fitness evaluation. The result is a marked gain in quality, cost efficiency, and security. The requirements involved in automated cash handling have risen dramatically over the past few years. Here are the main causes:
BPS M7 System - Elbit
The BPS M7 is a new, modular, high-efficiency, banknote-handling system, completing the Giesecke&Devrient’s range of products. The BPS M7 system is based on the time-tested BPS 1000 system and represents new generation of the systems used in cash handling centers.
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