SPMT0606-BR 4325 - Sandvik Coromant
Replacement info: Different grade vs. the original product – Please check cutting speed. Compare products chevron_right.
SPMT1212-BR 4325 - sandvik.coromant.cn
ISO: SPMT1212-BR 4325 材料Id: 7207488 包装数量: 10 EAN: 7323221609856 ANSI: SPMT1212-BR 4325 shopping_cart 加入购物车
Sandvik Coromant - Turning Insert: SPMT1212-BR 4325, Carbide
Turning Insert: SPMT1212-BR 4325, Carbide TiCN, AI2O3 & TiN Finish, Neutral, 0.4980" Inscribed Circle, 0.0472" Corner Radius, 90 deg S - Square, Series CoroBore 111
SPMT1812-BR 4325 file_copy - sandvik.coromant.cn
Partly cylindrical, 40-60 deg countersink on one or two sides
Sandvik Coromant SPMT1212-BR 4325 Coro Bore 111 Insert for …
2018年7月20日 · Sandvik Coromant SPMT1212-BR 4325, control bore 111 insert for boring is part of the control bore 111 product family. Dedicated four-edged inserts, this insert with optimized grade selection for roughing is your first choice for boring applications.
SPMT0606-BR 4325 - Sandvik Coromant
Insert for boring bookmarkSave to list Generic representation info Replacement product existsSPMT0606-BR 4425 ISO: SPMT0606-BR 4325 Material Id: 7207480 Package quantity: 10 EAN: 7323221609573 ANSI: SPMT0606-BR 4325 remove add shopping_bagAdd to cart Replacement product exists ISO: SPMT0606-BR 4425 ANSI: SPMT0606-BR 4425 EAN: 7323225049351 ...
CoroBore® BR20_双刃粗镗刀具案例 | 山特维克可乐满官网
2008年12月4日 · CoroBore ® BR20与CoroBore ® 111刀片共同实现了良好的表面质量和出色的断屑效果,并将刀具寿命比现有刀具解决方案延长了70%。 在相同时间内,客户现在的产量可达700件,取代之前的400件。 客户对CoroBore ® BR20和CoroBore ® 111刀片非常满意,因其能够实现大切削深度,确保良好的表面质量和良好的切屑控制,并可将刀具寿命延长20%。 在相同的时间内,客户现在的产量可达350件,而不是280件。 CoroBore ® 出现沟槽磨损形式 (加工350 …
SPMT0808-BR 4325 - Sandvik Coromant
Replacement info: Different grade vs. the original product – Please check cutting speed. Compare products chevron_right.
original carbide inserts 10 pcs SPMT 1812 - BR 4325 - eBay
2024年5月25日 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for original carbide inserts 10 pcs SPMT 1812 - BR 4325 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Boring Inserts - Stellar Industrial
Sandvik Coromant 7207488 CoroBore® Boring Insert, ANSI Code: SPMT1212-BR 4325, 12.65 mm Inscribed Circle, Carbide, Material Grade: P, Manufacturer's Grade: 4325, CVD Coated