Why is mist abbreviated BR on METARs and TAFs?
2015年9月25日 · The abbreviation for a condition of mist is BR on METAR and TAF reports. How did mist end up getting abbreviated as BR?
What is the difference between mist and fog?
2016年3月25日 · Quoting from the METAR decoder: BR Mist (Foggy conditions with visibilities greater than 5/8 statute mile) FG Fog (visibility 5/8 statute mile or less) You may ask "Why 5/8th of a statute mile?" That's because 5/8ths of a mile is 1,006 meters, or about 1 kilometer.
What exactly is the difference between RA, SHRA and TSRA in …
2023年12月21日 · What exactly is the difference between RA, SHRA and TSRA in METAR and TAF reports? I couldn't find a source where they were all compared together.
Why does GR mean hail in a METAR? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2018年6月22日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Can weather groups contain multiple descriptors in a METAR?
However, up to three descriptors may be present in a single METAR, albeit separated into multiple groups: Separate groups shall be used for each type of present weather. Each group shall be separated from the other by a space. METAR/SPECI shall contain no more than three present weather groups. Source: FMH-1 12-5.
weather - What is the purpose of including sea level pressure and ...
In a METAR such as this one: KGOK 161553Z AUTO 18011KT 4SM BR OVC007 07/05 A3011 RMK AO2 SLP201 T00670050. Translated to: Jan 16, 1553Z, Automated. Mist, Wind from 180° at 11 knots, 4 statute miles visibility, Ceiling is Overcast at 700 feet, Temperature 7°C, Dewpoint 5°C, Altimeter is 30.11.
What's the difference between fog, fog banks, and fog patches?
2015年12月15日 · My meteorology textbook (from Pooley's Air Pilot's Manual series) has a list of abbreviations used in met reports and forecasts. They include: FG for "fog" BCFG for "fog patches" PRFG for "fog ban...
What does NSC mean in a METAR? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2019年7月9日 · WMO Publication No. 306 - Manual On Codes - Volume I.1 - Part A, Section A, FM 15 METAR, FM 16 SPECI:. 15.14.14 When no cloud below 1 500 metres (5 000 ft) or the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is greater, and no cumulonimbus and no towering cumulus are forecast, and CAVOK is not appropriate, the abbreviation NSC shall be used.
Why the number 6 in P6SM in a METAR/TAF? - Aviation Stack …
2015年1月6日 · The METAR format is defined by the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) on behalf of ICAO. According to the specification (section 15.6.3), visibility is to be reported in meters. The upper bound for visibility reporting is 9999, which indicates the …
How should I interpret this TAF involving TEMPO and BECMG …
2017年5月3日 · lhbp taf (ft)140400z 141206 34006kt 9999 bkno45 tempo 1215 vrb10g2okt 7000 shra sct033cb bkno40 fm1700 cavok becmg 2022 vrbo1kt 5000 br nsc becmg 2201 1200 bcfg br sct002 becmg 0104 0600 fg ovc001 tempo 0406 0150 fg vv001