BR9EYA Vs. BR9ES - Hardcore Sledder
2008年8月4日 · The BR9ES; the spark itself resembles an S. The br9eya is in my oponion a better plug, twice as much spark as far as im conserned. you can run br9eya's in a sled that requires br9es, if the sled requires a br9es and you run a eya, it wont run for shit...
BR9ES or BR9EYA Help! - Snowmobile Fanatics
2005年2月11日 · I've been hearing conflicting issues in regards to the BR9ES and the BR9EYA plugs. People have been telling me that the EYA is a newer replacement plug for the ES. Is this true? Will running the EYA's in an older sled hurt it? Any info. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Also...
Spark plug comparison. Which is better and why?
2005年12月21日 · I was buying some spark plugs today and the store had two kinds. Standard NGK BR9ES Copper Core for about 8 bucks for 2 NGK IRIDIUM IX BR9EIX for 12 bucks each Both plugs are the same "value" one is just more fancy then the other. What is the difference and why would I want to spend more for...
BR9EYA vs. BR9ES | SnoWest Forums
2009年2月3日 · What is the difference between these two plugs? I ran a br9es in my sled when it calls for a br9eya and had an o-ring blow. Not sure if it was related but...
Spark Plug Types, What is the difference? ie: br9es, br7es.
2008年1月3日 · As per topic, NGK's website says my 89 Widlcat 650 should be using BR9ES plugs, but i just got a shop manual from Clymer and it says to use BR10EV. Hmm, I'm not really sure about how spark plugs work so what exactly is the difference between like BR7ES, 8ES, 9ES, 10ES and this 10EV?? Hotter...
Difference between Champion and NGK plugs - Snowmobile …
2009年11月4日 · What are the difference besides price in the plugs. I know some sleds call for champions and others for NGK. I've alwasy ran the BR9ES plugs. Is the gapping just different or what?
NGK BPR9ES vs. BR9ES | SnoWest Forums
2009年10月12日 · I understand the 'P' stands for Projected Insulator Type. What exactly is this? Can a person use the BR9ES safely if the sled came with BPR9ES plugs?
BR9ECS VS. BR9ES - Hardcore Sledder
2004年1月21日 · I am switching to br9es becouse i am having way to much trouble finding the ecs with the right gap. anyone else run the br9es? any problems? Thanks tom
NKG BPR9ES or BR9ES??? - Hardcore Sledder
2005年12月9日 · if your sled came stock with rn57ycc's, then run the bpr9es's. the difference between the br and bpr is the extended reach of the electrode. if you need the extended reach plugs and run normal plugs, it will run like shit if at all.
BR9ES vs. BR9EYA - Hardcore Sledder
2006年1月11日 · All, There is a BR9EYA plug out that has a snake tongue looking electrode. I was told they are the same as BR9ES, but reduce fouling on warmer days. Does anyone know anything about these plugs? Are they "truly" the same heat range as the BR9ES? I'm looking to run them on my XC 700 and XCR...