BR9EYA Vs. BR9ES - Hardcore Sledder
Aug 4, 2008 · The BR9ES; the spark itself resembles an S. The br9eya is in my oponion a better plug, twice as much spark as far as im conserned. you can run br9eya's in a sled that requires …
BR9ES or BR9EYA Help! - Snowmobile Fanatics
Feb 11, 2005 · The EYA plug is referred to as an “anti-fouling” spark plug based on the design of the spark plug. BR9EYA is interchangeable with part number BR9ES you will not damage your …
Spark plug comparison. Which is better and why?
Dec 21, 2005 · Standard NGK BR9ES Copper Core for about 8 bucks for 2 NGK IRIDIUM IX BR9EIX for 12 bucks each Both plugs are the same "value" one is just more fancy then the …
BR9EYA vs. BR9ES | SnoWest Forums - SnoWest Snowmobile …
Feb 3, 2009 · my polaris uses BR9ES, which i can get at polaris dealer 1.5hrs away.BR9EYA is the same but has a v in the electrode.and are stocked at the cat dealer 15 min away.i was told …
Spark Plug Types, What is the difference? ie: br9es, br7es.
Jan 3, 2008 · with NGK the lower the number the "hotter" the plug is. i believe "hotter" reffers to the size/strength/intensity of the spark itself. as for ev, es, e.. you can probably find out what …
Difference between Champion and NGK plugs - Snowmobile …
Nov 4, 2009 · This plug has a conical shape base which can allow for a shorter center electrode and a shorter ground electrode in comparison to the old standard BR9ES. The benefits of this …
NGK BPR9ES vs. BR9ES | SnoWest Forums - SnoWest Snowmobile …
Oct 12, 2009 · The "P" does stand for projected tip. The electrode does stick out a little farther. You cannot swap the BR9ES for a BPR9ES (yes the will thread into the same hole). The …
NKG BPR9ES or BR9ES??? - Hardcore Sledder
Dec 9, 2005 · They came up with a variable heat range plug (or something like that). The NGK will work in a pinch for a spare, but I would go with the champions. They were specificly designed …
BR9ECS VS. BR9ES - Hardcore Sledder
Jan 21, 2004 · I realize this is a pain in the ass because i think it is as well. But here goes, I have been putting in br9es in my 600 SDI because this is the only time I have experienced plug …
BR9ES vs. BR9EYA - Hardcore Sledder
Jan 11, 2006 · the ES at the end is a standard thread reach center electrode the EYA V-grooved electrode A- special design - the elctrode is longer on some engine it may hit the top of the …