BS 6073 - Precast concrete masonry units - BSI Group
Method for specifying precast concrete masonry units.
BS-6073-1-1981预制混凝土砌块 - 道客巴巴
bs-6073-1-1981 星级: 28 页 预制混凝土砌块面层检验批质量验收记录表 星级: 2 页 广场预制混凝土砌块铺装实训项目设计 星级: 8 页 植草型预制混凝土砌块在河道护岸中的运用 星级: 1 页 ...
2023年6月12日 · BRITISH STANDARD BS 6073-1:1981 Incorporating Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Precast concrete masonry units Part 1: Specification for precast
BS 6073-1 - Precast concrete masonry units. Specification for …
BS 6073-1 is maintained by B/519/1. The current release of this standard is: BS 6073-1:1981 Precast concrete masonry units. Specification for precast concrete masonry units. This standard is available from the following sources:
BS 6073-1 | PDF - Scribd
BS 6073-1 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.
BS 6073-2 - Precast concrete masonry units. Guide for specifying ...
2008年11月30日 · BS 6073-2 is maintained by B/519/1. The current release of this standard is: BS 6073-2:2008 Precast concrete masonry units. Guide for specifying precast concrete masonry units. This standard is available from the following sources:
This part of BS 6073 was originally developed as a method for specifying masonry units in accordan ce with BS 6073-1, which has been withdrawn and superseded by BS EN 771-3 and BS EN 771-4. This new edition of BS 6073-2 is in tended to provide a guide to the understanding and application of BS EN 771-3 and BS EN 771-4 for specifiers.
BS 6073-2 | PDF | Concrete | Brick - Scribd
This document outlines British Standard BS 6073-2:1981, which provides a method for specifying precast concrete masonry units. It lists many cooperating organizations that were involved in developing the standard, including various industry groups, government agencies, and professional institutions.
BSI - BS 6073-1 - Precast concrete masonry units - Part 1 ...
Specifies materials, tolerances and minimum performance levels for precast concrete masonry units (blocks and bricks). Appendices give methods of measuring dimensions and determining strength and... A description is not available for this item. Sorry, an error occurred while gathering related products. Please try again later.
BS 6073-1:1981 预制混凝土圬工砌筑单元.规范 标准全文
6 天之前 · BS 6073-1:1981的标准全文信息,BS 6073 的这一部分规定了预制混凝土砌块的材料、公差和最低性能水平。 它涵盖任何工作尺寸尺寸不超过 650 毫米的实心(包括蒸压加气混凝土)、多孔和空心单元。 高度 1) 超过长度或厚度六倍的单位不属于本标准的范围。 预制混凝土铺路砖不属于本标准的范围。 注 BS 6457 涵.