BS 8539:2012+A1:2021-混凝土和砌体中后安装锚的选择和安装实 …
1992年1月1日 · This British Standard gives recommendations for the safe selection and installation of anchors for use in concrete and masonry. It is intended to provide practical guidance for designers, specifiers, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, installers and testers of anchors.Incorporates the following:BS 8539:2012
British Standard for anchor installation - Hilti GB
BS 8539 is the first British Standard that provides recommendations for the safe selection and installation of anchors for use in concrete and masonry. The intention is to provide practical guidance for designers, specifiers, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, installers and testers of …
BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 Code of practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry
BS 8539 gives recommendations for the safe selection and installation of anchors for use in concrete and masonry. It is intended to provide practical guidance for designers, specifiers, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, installers and testers of anchors. In particular, BS 8539:2012 applies
BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 Code of practice for the selection and ...
The BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 is an essential code of practice that provides comprehensive guidelines for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry. This standard is crucial for professionals in the construction industry, ensuring that anchors are chosen and installed correctly to maintain the integrity and ...
BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 - Code of practice for the selection and ...
2012年10月31日 · BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 is maintained by B/514. This standard is available from the following sources: BSI Knowledge British Standards Online (BSOL) Other historical versions of this standard document also exist: BS 8539:2012 [current until 17/03/2021]
BS 8539:2012 混凝土和砌体用后锚固螺栓的选择和安装规程 标准 …
BS 8539:2012的标准全文信息,该英国标准为混凝土和砖石结构中使用的锚栓的安全选择和安装提供了建议。 它旨在为锚的设计者、规范者、制造商、供应商、承包商、安装者和测试者提供实用指导。 特别是,该英国标准适用于安全关键应用中使用的锚的选择和安装。 该英国标准仅限于使用插入混凝土和砖石钻孔的锚栓。 This British.
BS 8539 - Code of practice for the selection and installation of …
2012年10月31日 · BS 8539 is maintained by B/514. The current release of this standard is: BS 8539:2012+A1:2021 Code of practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry
BS 12/30215639 DC-英国标准8539 混凝土和砌体中后安装锚的选 …
Code of practice for the selection and installation of post-installed anchors in concrete and masonry 英国标准8539 混凝土和砌体中后安装锚的选择和安装实施规程 发布日期: 2012-02-24
BSI - BS 8539 - Code of practice for the selection and installation …
2012年10月31日 · This standard applies wherever there is a proposal to cut or grind away, drill into, fix to, or support from, any part of the fabric of existing LU Infrastructure (including Premises, Structures,...