境外汇款:IBAN、SWIFT、BSB等专业名词,你知道 ... - epay
2022年8月4日 · BSB Number,是在澳大利亚等地使用的电汇清算网络编码,即Bank State Branch Number。 主要在澳元、新西兰元的银行及向澳洲办理清付结算时使用。 一般都是6位数字。
BSB Number: Your Complete Guide - Bank Codes
What is a BSB number? A BSB number is used to help guide domestic payments within Australia to the right bank accounts. It points the processing bank to the correct bank, state and branch for the account required. You might notice that the function is similar to that of the SWIFT/BIC codes used in some international payments.
澳洲朋友给我汇款到中国银行,问我要BSB和Account Number。BSB …
BSB(BankStateBranch)NO,是澳大利亚各银行在不同的区域的代码。 在澳大利亚,每个银行账号前都会带有一个六位数的号码,即BSB号码。 此号码独一无二,通过BSB就可以知道是那一家银行的那一家分行。
Australian Bank BSB Numbers and SWIFT Codes
BSB (Bank-State-Branch) Number is a six digits numerical codes used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Australia. BSB Number is used in Australian Paper Clearing System (APCS) and Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) payment systems.
What is BSB code in banking? How to get it & how to find it? - Wise
2022年11月2日 · A banking BSB code is a six-digit number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian financial institution. The BSB code is used in addition to the bank account number to identify the recipient of a transfer.
What is a BSB number and where do I find the BSB number of a …
What is a BSB number and where do I find the BSB number of a CommBank branch? A BSB (Bank-State-Branch) is a six-digit number that identifies banks and branches across Australia. …
BSB Numbers (codes) of banks in Australia - Bank Code
What is a BSB Number? The BSB number (Bank-State-Branch) is a six-digit numeric code that identifies individual financial institutions and branches within Australia. The BSB code is used in conjunction with the bank account number to identify the recipient account for a money transfer.
BSB Number (bank state branch number) - Wise
BSB stands for ‘bank, state, branch’, and is a set of 6 characters that identifies where a bank account is in Australia. Banks use BSB numbers to identify the bank and branch holding an account. Each branch has its own code, though some banks also have a single, centralised BSB for all their accounts.
What Is a BSB Number? | Blog - Western Union
Learn what a BSB number is, what it includes, and where to find it to ensure that your next money transfer goes smoothly. Learn about BSB codes and the role they play here.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia - BSB Numbers - Bank Code
What is a BSB number? A BSB Number is a six-digit number used to identify the individual branches of the Australian financial institution "Commonwealth Bank of Australia". The BSB code is used in addition to the bank account number to identify the recipient of a transfer.