BSG GCam APKs - Google Camera Port - Celso Azevedo
2018年3月10日 · Modified Google Camera app by BSG.
Google Camera谷歌相机88合1,超多机型配置文件、成像库等资 …
2024年11月17日 · BSG:虽然BSG在搜索结果中出现,但这里的BSG指的是Belt-Driven Starter Generator,与谷歌相机移植无关。 Shamim :Shamim是XDA开发者,他编辑的GCam 9.1版本能够在Snapdragon、MediaTek和Exynos处理器芯片组上出色地工作,并且包含了徕卡模式,这是在其他地方找不到的稀有选项。
Model BSG-8 Rev. 12-01-20 | pg. 1/2 Surface-mount, bi-directional baffle is designed for installation of a single 8” driver to a wall or ceiling. It includes a steel enclosure and two grilles, allowing sound to radiate from two sides to achieve greater sound coverage and increased efficiency in corridors and concourse areas.
Amazon.com: Lowell BSG-8 Bi-Directional Baffle for 8-Inch …
2012年10月16日 · Buy Lowell BSG-8 Bi-Directional Baffle for 8-Inch Speaker; Built with Precision Formed 20-Gauge Steel with Welded Corners; 2 Pre-Mounted Steel Grilles with Welded Speaker Studs; White Finish: Speaker Mounts - Amazon.com …
BSG: MGC_8.4.300_A10_V0e - Celso Azevedo
2022年2月9日 · 🇬🇧 BSG public version changelog (8.4.300 from 2022-02-09): - added "preview format", "hard level", "Pixel 7" to "Model" and "Interface" settings - Fixed work of some modes. - several work algorithms have been changed (perhaps the modification will work on some HUAWEI devices). - all modification settings for pixel devices are connected.
[App] Mod Google Camera by B-S-G - XDA Forums
2020年12月11日 · BSG public version changelog (8.4.400 from 03/04/2022): - Added number of frames in night mode - Added visualization of the process of saving photos in the top curtain
BSG: MGC_8.8.224_A11_V14a - Celso Azevedo
2023年11月14日 · BSG public version changelog (8.8.224 from 2023/11/14): - the algorithm for determining modules has been changed. - for Pixel devices, the application of module settings has been corrected (module settings and “Additional settings” are separated and applied to all additional modules).
BSG(MGC) 8.8版谷歌相机 10系列 - Google - Google - Yoo趣儿
2023年7月11日 · BSG(MGC) 8.8版谷歌相机📷 🏻 10系列完美定制配置——已更新[微微一笑] 说明: 1.徕卡色调(轻饱和) ️ 2.完美降噪&白平衡&高光压制 ️ 3.小米相册查看照片 ️ 4.直出2700万大像素RAW ️ (后期空间极大+HMX独一份非合成)💯 5.使用Pixel8 Pro模组HDR+算法 ️
GCam - BSG's Google Camera port (com.android.MGC_8_8_224) 8.8…
🇺🇸 BSG public version changelog (8.8.224 from 2023/05/13): - "Google AWB" (Off / On) toggle added to the top curtain, divided into "Photo", "Portrait", "Night shooting" and also into Front / Back.
Bi-directional Baffle for 8 inch Speaker - Lowell Manufacturing
Bi-directional speaker baffle model BSG-8 for wall is designed for corridors or concourse areas. It includes two grilles on opposite sides to allow sound to radiate from behind and in front of the driver for greater coverage. Side opening for wire access. Steel with white powder epoxy finish. Order speaker separately.
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