Behavioural Supports Ontario-Dementia Observation System (BSO-DOS©). Behavioural Supports Ontario Provincial Coordinating Office, North Bay Regional Health Centre, Ontario, Canada.
Behavioural Supports Ontario – Dementia Observation System (BSO-DOS
The BSO-DOS © is a direct observation tool that provides objective and measurable data about a person living with dementia. The data collected can be utilized by clinical teams and care partners to identify patterns, trends, contributing factors and modifiable variables associated with responsive behaviours/personal expressions.
The BSO-DOS© can be used to determine the baseline of behaviour for those individuals transitioning into a new environment (e.g. a Long-term Care Home) or for those clients (residents/patients) experiencing an acute
Behavioural Supports Ontario - (DOS) Dementia Observation …
The BSO-DOS © is an observational tool that helps to identify patterns of behaviour for care planning purposes. It is based on the former DOS. Simple registration is required to access …
BSO-DOS© Behavioural Supports Ontario-Dementia Observation System User Guide Step#1 – Background A Who completes this section? The team member who initiates the BOS-DOS© (e.g. a Nurse or Allied Health Professional). Check the reason for completing the BSO-DOS©. dd patient/resident identifiers here. Note the dates the BSO-DOS© observation
BSO-DOS-FINAL-May-2019 1 .pdf - BSO-DOS© Behavioural.
2023年11月26日 · View BSO-DOS-FINAL-May-2019 (1).pdf from PSW 1570 at Conestoga College. BSO-DOS© Behavioural Supports Ontario-Dementia Observation System Worksheet Step #1: Background (Complete prior to Data
BSO DOS FINAL May 2019 | PDF | Behavior | Clinical Medicine
BSO-DOS-FINAL-May-2019 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
Purpose: The DOS tool is used to assess a person’s behaviour over a 24 hour cycle for up to seven days to determine the occurrence, frequency, and duration of behaviours of concern. 1. Upon admission for the first seven days to establish a baseline behavioural profile. 2. Whenever there is a change or concern about the person’s behaviours. 3.
BSO-DOS. BSO-DOS Worksheet. Behavioural Supports Ontario – Dementia Observation System. TOPIC. RESOURCE TYPE. See more Clinical Resources. The Victoria South-Island Long-term Care Initiative. We like hearing from you! Talk to a member of our team by phoning (778) 265-3137 or email us at [email protected]
Tools & Resources - brainXchange
The BSO-DOS© is a direct observation tool that provides objective and measurable data about a person living with dementia. This section includes resources such as the By Us For Us© Guides produced by the Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program and the Alzheimer Society of Ontario’s First Link® referral program.