BLU-100 | BSS Networked Audio Systems | English
The Soundweb London BLU-100 offers a fixed configuration of 12 inputs and 8 outputs, configurable signal processing and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus. The BLU-100 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet™ Audio Architect.
BLU-USB | BSS Networked Audio Systems | English
The BLU-USB allows audio from a PC/Mac to be directly placed onto the BLU link audio bus, enabling easy implementation of softphones for conferencing systems or audio playback directly to/from a computer.
BLU-8v2BLK | BSS Networked Audio Systems | English
The BLU-8v2 is a HiQnet compatible programmable zone controller capable of controlling a single zone, four zones or eight zones in different modes of operation. A simple control surface and informative visual feedback ensure that non-technical users can be confident in making changes to an integrated AV system.
BLU-160 信号处理器_ACE - acehk.com
支持 BLU link 的信号处理器. Soundweb London BLU-102 提供 10 个模拟输入和 8 个模拟输出、一个模拟电话接口、可配置的信号处理、AEC 处理和高带宽容错数字音频总线的固定配置。 RJ-11 端口支持 BLU-102 与标准 POTS(即 PSTN 或 Analog PBX)电话网络相连。
BSS BLU-805 数字音频处理器 - 处理器 - 北京瑞达惠声科技有限公司
bss,blu805,signalprocessorw/avb提供可配置的i/o配置的信号处理,但丁音频和高带宽,容错数字音频总线。 的blu-806具有通过hiqnet™伦敦建筑师完全可配置的开放式体系结构。一个丰富的调色板的处理和逻辑对象和“拖配置降”的方法提供了一个简单的和熟悉的设计环境。
+ BLU系列-产品详细信息、产品参数- 毕斯BSS Audio公司(毕斯BSS …
BSS 数字音频处理器 BLU-100;BLU-100提供了12进8出的固定输入输出结构。 通过软件设置,每个输入通道可以提供幻象供电,并且输入通道的增益最大可以达到48dB,以6dB为步进,不需要使用电脑,在BLU-100前面板的LED就可以直观显示每一路通道的幻象电源状态,信号,削波等信息。 BSS 数字音频处理器 BLU-100产品图片. BSS 数字音频处理器 BLU-100功能特点. BSS BLU 100 处理器. Soundweb London BLU-100一台拥有优质性能、高灵活性、开放式DSP处理结构 …
BLU-100 – 恒昱集团 - hoynn.cn
Soundweb London BLU-100是一台拥有优质性能、高灵活性、开放式DSP处理结构、可配置的信号处理,高带宽,容错数字音频总线固定配置。 可以根据需要自由配置信号处理和逻辑处理的结构。
BSS Audio Soundweb London BLU-100 12x8 Signal Processor BLU …
2021年11月10日 · The BSS Audio Soundweb London BLU-100 12x8 Signal Processor with BLU Link is a DSP processor designed for use in networked audio routing applications. It offers a fixed configuration of 12 inputs and 8 outputs, configurable signal processing, and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.
BLU-80 | BSS Networked Audio Systems | English
The Soundweb London BLU-80 offers configurable I/O, configurable signal processing and CobraNet audio. The BLU-80 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet™ Audio Architect. A rich palette of processing and logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.
BSS audio BLU-100 信号处理器_环球音响网 - pro001.com
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