The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R)
The BSS-R is a 10-item multi-factorial psychometrically robust tool developed and co-owned by Professor Caroline J Hollins Martin and Prof Colin R Martin. The BSS-R is the lead international clinical measure of birth satisfaction and is used to assess women’s perceptions of care provided and experiences of care provided during labour and ...
What is the BSS-R - Birth Satisfaction
The BSS-R is the lead international clinical measure of birth satisfaction and is used to assess women’s perceptions of care provided and experiences of care provided during labour and childbirth.
The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI) - PMC
The current study sought to develop a short birth satisfaction indicator utilising items from the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) for use as a brief measure of birth satisfaction and as a possible key performance indicator for perinatal ...
Development and psychometric properties of the Birth ... - PubMed
Key conclusions: the BSS-R would appear to be a robust, valid and reliable multidimensional psychometric instrument for measuring postnatal women's birth satisfaction. Further research to confirm the veracity of the instruments measurement …
Birth Satisfaction Scale- Revised (BSS-R) - Mapi Research Trust
Development and psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). Midwifery. 2014 Jun;30 (6):610-9 (PubMed abstract)
Psychometric : Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R)
The BSS-R is underpinned conceptually by a tri-dimensional measurement model comprising (i) Stress experienced during childbirth, (ii) Women’s attributes and (iii) Quality of care. These domains comprise 4, 2 and 4 items BSS-R respectively and represent the sub-scales of …
分娩满意度量表的汉化与信效度检验 - hlxzz.com.cn
结果 中文版BSS-R包括护理质量、分娩期间经历的压力和产妇个人属性3个维度,共10个条目。 该量表条目和量表水平的内容效度指数分别为0.875~1.000和0.950;探索性因子分析共提取3个公因子,累计方差贡献率为67.799%;验证性因子分析结果显示,χ2/df=1.972,RMSEA=0.070,NFI=0.920,IFI=0.959,TLI=0.941,CFI=0.958,三因子模型拟合度良好。 中文版BSS-R的Cronbach's α系数、折半系数和重测信度系数分别为0.748 …
Development and psychometric properties of the Birth Satisfaction Scale ...
2014年6月1日 · The revised version of the BSS (BSS-R) was rescaled to produce a zero score point across the total scale and the three sub-scales, thus the revised 10-item instrument would be scored along a 0–4 Likert scale.
Development and psychometric properties of the Birth
2014年6月1日 · Data has shown that the validated BSS-R is a robust tool for midwives, obstetricians and maternity care managers to measure postnatal women's birth satisfaction. In terms of impact, the BSS can be requested for use by researchers to collect data both nationally and internationally, with results potentially correlated with other measures (e.g ...
Birth Satisfaction Scale/Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS/BSS-R ...
Results: the total 30-item BSS score mean was 128.98 (SD 16.92) and the 10-item BSS-R mean score was 31.94 (SD 6.75). Sub-scale mean scores quantified the quality of care provision, women's personal attributes, and stress experienced during labour. Satisfaction was higher for women with vaginal births compared with caesareans deliveries.
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