Sprout | Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Were you looking for Magic Bean? The sprout model. A Sprout is a plant that spawns in fields. When players collect pollen or if there is a cloud on the field, it grows taller. Once the pollen counter reaches 0, it sends a shockwave effect outwards around it and scatters various tokens throughout the field.
Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to the Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki! A collaborative community wiki about Bee Swarm Simulator, the bee hive-themed ROBLOX game created by Onett. This wiki can be edited by anyone! We currently have 429,830 edits to 626 articles and 26,261 images. ️ [Winter Spotlight]: Do tasks in Bee Swarm in order to get currency for the main Roblox event.
Special Sprout Summoner | Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki | Fandom
The Special Sprout Summoner is a machine located near to the Red HQ and Sunflower Field. It allows players who have discovered all 8 Legendary bee types to summon either a rare, epic, legendary, supreme, gummy, or a moon sprout in a random field (except Coconut Field or Pepper Patch), and can only be used every 16 hours.
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The RAREST Loot of EVERY Sprout in Bee Swarm Simulator...
There are 9 different types of Sprouts in Bee Swarm Simulator, the debug sprout, common sprout, moon sprout, rare sprout, gummy sprout, epic sprout, legendary sprout, supreme sprout and lastly the...
How to ALWAYS get *RARE* Sprouts in Bee Swarm *SUPREME …
Make sure to drop a like and subscribe if these tips helped you at all, it really helps support me! Join the discord server! - https://discord.gg/beeswarm ...
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Festive Bean | Bee Swarm Simulator Wiki | Fandom
Festive Bean is a special variant of the Magic Bean that always plants a Festive Sprout in a field. When harvested, it grants Tickets, crafting materials, and unique tokens that are commonly found in festive gifts in abundant quantities. There is a 120 minute (2 hour) cooldown between planting Festive Sprouts.