Mk.82 retarded bombs - different fins - ARC Discussion Forums
2022年11月26日 · The BSU-86 is similar to the Mk.15, but has differently shaped petals and was introduced, if I'm not completely out to lunch, in the '80s to replace the Mk.15. BSU-86 fins are gray, Mk.15 were green. Mostly used by USN/USMC aircraft since the 80s - …
BSU-86/B Bomb Fin - tpub.com
BSU-86/B Bomb Fin The BSU-86/B bomb fin is used with general-purpose bombs, Mk 82 Mods, or the practice bomb BDU-45/B (fig. 1-26). The fin provides a retarded (high-drag) or unretarded (low-drag) bomb delivery capability for the aircraft.
General Purpose Bombs - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
The BSU-86/B bomb fin is used with GP bombs, Mk 82 Mods/BLU 111 (series), or the practice bomb BDU-45/B. The fin provides a retarded (high-drag) or unretarded (low-drag) bomb delivery capability...
Assembly of Conical Fin - tpub.com
Assembly of BSU-86 and BSU-85 Fins to GP Bombs. Inspect the BSU-86 fin (fig. 13-9) as follows: 1. Inspect fin for damage and improperly installed or missing parts and corrosion. 2. Ensure that the restraining band is free of corrosion. If damage is found or suspected, complete steps 3 through 7; if no damage, proceed to step 8. 3.
Unretarded Mode - tpub.com
The BSU-85/B bomb fin attaches to the Mk 83 general-purpose bomb. It is an air-inflatable retarder designed for very low altitudes. It can be dropped in either high-drag (retarded) or low-drag (unretarded) mode (fig. 1-30).
Sixteen components of the BSU-86/B bomb fin assembly obtained from a First Article Inspection of Defense Research. Inc. (DRI) were submitted by the Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) to the U.S. Army Materials Technology Laboratory (MTL) to verify their confor-mance to applicable drawing specifications.
The BSU-86/B Bomb Fin Assembly First Article Conformance Testing
1990年12月1日 · Abstract : The Navy Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC) requested that the U.S. Army Materials Technology Laboratory (MTL) perform a series of metallurgical tests on 16 components of the BSU-86/B bomb fin assembly.
Installation of BSU-86 and BSU-85/B Fins - 14023_375 - tpub.com
Installation of BSU-86 and BSU-85/B Fins Install the BSU-86 and BSU-85/B fin assemblies to GP bombs as follows: 1. Attach arming wire to aft lug (fig. 13-11). Thread free end of Mk 3 arming wire from aft bomb lug through MAU-182 swivel ring and arming wire hole in top of fin. 2. Align fin behind bomb body with fin in the X-configuration. 3.
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Weapons and Materials Research Directorate (WMRD) was tasked by the Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) to examine four BSU-86/B setscrews that had been in service (used) and to compare them to 20 setscrews taken from inventory (new).
BSU-86/B fin with Mk 82 bomb - 14023_45 - tpub.com
Its service life is 1 BSU-86/B Bomb Fin year when exposed to adverse environmental The BSU-86/B bomb fin is used with conditions, but it maybe extended by visual inspection general-purpose bombs, Mk 82 Mods, or the practice at 1-year intervals. bomb BDU-45/B (fig. 1-32).