The Class II, Type B2 BSC (commonly known as a B2) is widely used and accepted in North America. B2 BSCs can also be found in the Middle East but rarely in China and other Asian Pacific countries. Toxicology is the main application for a B2. However, within Europe, it is extremely rare to see a Class II, Type B2 BSC used in a laboratory.
1500 Series B2 Biological Safety Cabinet - Thermo Fisher Scientific
The 1500 Series B2 Biological Safety Cabinet is designed for applications using gases and volatile chemicals that require higher volumes of exhaust and no recirculation of air inside the cabinet. The system combines the efficiency of state-of-the-art DC motors, an advanced airflow system that maximizes operator safety and comfort.
Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinets - NuAire
NuAire's Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinets are safe and ergonomic, ideal for handling nonflammable volatile chemicals and radionuclides as permitted by a risk assessment. These cabinets guarantee a minimum inflow velocity of 100 fpm and feature HEPA-filtered, non-recirculated downflow air within the work zone.
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC): Types and Working Mechanism
A Class II Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) is a ventilated cabinet, which provides personnel, product, and environmental protection. It is commonly found in clinical and research laboratories working with infectious agents in Risk Groups 2, 3, and 4 (if positive-pressure suits are used) or with tissue culture.
The 1500 Series B2 BSC is designed for applications requiring no recirculation within the cabinet and higher volumes of exhaust for greater dilution of volatile toxic chemicals. The product meets the highest quality and safety standards and is fully compliant with NSF/ANSI 49 for Class II biological safety cabinets.
[ESCO] 생물안전작업대 Biological Safety Cabinet 선택 가이드
2016年8月24日 · BSC Class Ⅱ Type B2 는 100% 배기방식으로 공기가 모두 필터를 통해 외부로 배출됩니다. BSC 선택함에 있어 꼭 고려해야할 2가지
Logic Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinets - Labconco
Logic Class II, Type B2 Biosafety Cabinets provide comprehensive protection for personnel, products, and the environment from hazardous particulates.
1500 系列 B2 生物安全柜 | 赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
1500 系列 b2 生物安全柜专为使用气体和挥发性化学品、需要较大排气量且生物安全柜内无空气再循环的应用而设计。该系统将先进的 dc 电机效率与先进的气流系统相结合,尽可能地提高了操作员的安全性和舒适度。
生物安全柜_新华医疗 - shinva.net
BSC-II-A2型生物安全柜系列是70%气体循环,30%气体外排的II级A2型生. 广泛用于微生物学、生物医学、生物实验室和其他实验室的生物安全防护隔离设备,采用先进的空气净化技术和负压箱体设计,实现了对环境、人员和样品的保护,可以防止有害悬浮微粒、气溶胶的扩散。 BSC-II-A2型生物安全柜系列是70%气体循环,30%气体外排的II级A2型生物安全柜。 BSC-II-B2型生物安全柜系列是100%气体外排的II级B2型生物安全柜,无内部循环气流,可同时提供生物性和化学性 …
BSC-1300Ⅱ-B2生物安全柜 - 豆丁网
2017年1月6日 · bsc-1300Ⅱ-b2型生物安全柜(以下简称安全柜)是一种提供局 部无尘无菌工作环境的空气净化设备,并能将工作区已被污染的 空气通过专门的过滤通道人为地控制排放,避免对人和环境造成