UNIVERSTAR BT21 Hailing from Planet BT, Prince TATA dreams to spread love across the galaxy. Deciding that destiny is at hand, TATA summons guardian robot VAN to prepare for an interstellar journey to Earth.
A UNIVERSTAR. Realizing that a collective effort is crucial, TATA & VAN scout for like-minded hopefuls to share in the dream. Soon they discover 6- KOYA, RJ, SHOOKY, MANG, CHIMMY and COOKY- to become what will be known as the most influential pop-culture sensation the galaxy has ever witnessed. BT21.
BT21 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BT21 (中文: 宇宙明星 、韓語: 우주스타),是由 BTS防彈少年團 成員和 LINE FRIENDS 成立。 BT21這個名字是組合的名字BTS和21世紀的組合。
BT21 | BTS Wiki | Fandom
BT21 is the first project of LINE FRIENDS CREATORS. It is a new IP co-created by LINE FRIENDS and BTS. Rather than simply creating avatars of the physical appearance of artists, BT21 consists of 8 different charming characters created by BTS members, where all of them actively participated in the whole process from drawing sketches to ...
BT21 - YouTube
Hailing from Planet BT, Prince TATA dreams to spread love across the galaxy. Deciding that destiny is at hand, TATA summons guardian robot VAN to prepare for an interstellar journey to Earth....
BT21是什麼?BT21角色介紹│BTS 防彈少年團創作角色對照圖
BT21是由BTS防彈少年團成員和LINE FRIENDS攜手創造出的全新概念卡通角色,從最初的角色草圖(BTS成員創作),再經由LINE FRIENDS出手,搖身變成全球宇宙明星BT21。
BT21 | BT21 Wiki | Fandom
BT21, sometimes known as UNIVERSTAR BT21, is a brand project of LINE Friends Corporation in collaboration with BTS. It was created on September 26, 2017, and it was launched on December 16, 2017.
BT21キャラクター紹介 | LINE FRIENDS 公式オンラインストア
宇宙最高のスターを目指すBT21が誕生しました。 それぞれが違う魅力で、みんな一緒になるとさらに輝くBT21! 夢に向かって走るBT21の、愉快で時には感動的な物語が今日も続きます。
BT21 日本公式サイト BT21 Japan Official site
ユニバースターBT21の日本公式サイト。 グッズ・イベント・映像などのニュース情報、KOYA、RJ、SHOOKY、MANG、CHIMMY、TATA、COOKY、VANの紹介等、こちらでチェック!
宇宙明星 BT21 来自BT星球的王子TATA,梦想着有一天能將爱传播到全宇宙,和宇宙机器人VAN一起来到了地球。来到地球的TATA发现传播“爱”的最佳方法是‘成为著名明星’,为此他们开始寻找一起实现梦想的朋友。终于,他们与KOYA, RJ, SHOOKY, MANG, CHIMMY, COOKY相遇 ...