Weighing in little more than 3 lbs. with its folding stock, the MP9/TP9 SBR is an ideal choice for operators needing firepower, flexibility, superb handling and suppressor options necessary for …
Introduced by B&T in 2001, the MP9/TP9 represents the latest advancement in personal defense weapons and is one of the world’s lightest select-fire 9x19mm weapon systems. Ideal for …
Introduced by B&T in 2001, the MP9/TP9 continues to represent what a best-in-class personal-defense weapons looks like and how it performs. One of the world’s lightest select-fire 9mm …
B&T MP9 ——〖枪炮世界〗
MP9-N是的改进是取消了原本MP9的单/连发扳机,在原本的横推式保险按钮位置上安装了一对左右两侧都可操作的手动保险/快慢机选择杆,但它的档位顺序比较奇怪,保险处在连发档与单发 …
MP9/TP9 - B&T AG
The MP9-N is a 9x19mm caliber submachine gun/ Personal Defense Weapon (PDW); while the TP9 is the semi-automatic version. Both products because of the size cover a wide range of …
B&T MP9战术冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
b&t mp9n(折叠式枪托及固定前握把型) 在2011年,B&T推出了MP9N(N代表 北约 ),该枪装有几个不同的内部零件。 MP9N在MP9的基础上改良了 快慢机 ,原型MP9冲锋枪采用横栓式 …
VIDEO: Testing the Ultra-Compact, Full-Auto B&T MP9-N Subgun
2020年8月31日 · With a 5-inch barrel and weighing in at a mere 3.7 pounds, the nimble, compact B&T MP9-N reinvents the class of 9mm submachine guns.
Brügger & Thomet MP9 - Wikipedia
The Brügger & Thomet MP9 (Maschinenpistole 9mm, German for "machine pistol") is a submachine gun chambered for the 9×19mm Parabellum cartridge that is designed and …
B&T MP9戰術衝鋒槍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
mp9n衝鋒槍則改為採用與hk mp5系列相似的旋轉桿式射擊選擇桿,設置在機匣左右兩側,使用者能夠很容易地判別射擊模式。 目前,MP9N衝鋒槍有固定式 槍托 和側摺疊式槍托兩種型號, …
That is why the MP9-N has been designed to fire virtually all types of 9 x 19 mm ammunition found in the world today. This ranges from the light weight but high velocity 85 grain bullet to …