COOKY | BTS Wiki | Fandom
COOKY (쿠키) is a main character created by Jung Kook and one of the eight characters of the brand BT21. They were first introduced on September 26, 2017. [2] During an official video with BT21, ARMYs saw these idols create their characters. Jung Kook sketched his spunky rabbit.
Soon they discover 6- KOYA, RJ, SHOOKY, MANG, CHIMMY and COOKY- to become what will be known as the most influential pop-culture sensation the galaxy has ever witnessed. BT21. Brilliant, multi-talented KOYA is quite the ‘sleeping cutie’. KOYA naps with a mind heavily filled with thoughts. RJ loves cooking. RJ loves eating.
BT21 | BTS Wiki | Fandom
BT21 is the first project of LINE FRIENDS CREATORS. It is a new IP co-created by LINE FRIENDS and BTS. Rather than simply creating avatars of the physical appearance of artists, BT21 consists of 8 different charming characters created by BTS members, where all of them actively participated in the whole process from drawing sketches to ...
BT21 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
BT21 (中文: 宇宙明星 、韓語: 우주스타),是由 BTS防彈少年團 成員和 LINE FRIENDS 成立。 BT21這個名字是組合的名字BTS和21世紀的組合。 BTS成員 閔玧其 說:這個名字是代表 BTS 和21世紀,這樣 BTS 就可以活到下一個100年。 BT21攜手創造出的全新概念卡通角色,從最初的角色草圖(BTS成員創作),再經由 LINE FRIENDS 出手,搖身變成全球 宇宙明星 BT21。 來自BT星球的王子TATA,夢想著有一天能將愛傳播到全宇宙,為了實踐夢想, 因此TATA與守護者 …
Deciding that destiny is at hand, TATA summons guardian robot VAN to prepare for an interstellar journey to Earth. Shortly after arrival, the Prince concludes that the most effective means to win over the hearts of earthlings is to become a super, no... something much more ambitious. A …
bt21 - 百度百科
BT21是指由韩国男子演唱组合: 防弹少年团 和line friends(一个国际卡通形象品牌公司)联合设计的8个 卡通 形象。 八个卡通形象其中七个分别对应七个组员,还有一个是守护者:外星人TATA(金泰亨),羊驼RJ(金硕珍),小狗CHIMMY(朴智旻),小兔子COOKY(田柾国),小饼干SHOOKY(闵玧其)、小马驹MANG(郑号锡),考拉KOYA(金南俊),守护者宇宙机器人VAN。 这些形象是由组员们自己设计的心中喜欢的卡通形象。 代表金硕珍的是羊驼RJ,性格 …
BT21是什麼?BT21角色介紹│BTS 防彈少年團創作角色對照圖
BT21是由韓國男子團體BTS(防彈少年團)成員和LINE FRIENDS合作所創立。 BTS七名成員各自設計個性獨特的卡通角色,並由LINE FRIENDS負責製作和行銷推廣。 每個BT21角色都擁有自己的故事和個性特徵,並以各種形式呈現,這些角色包括: TATA(V金泰亨):TATA是一個像星星一樣的生物,有著紅色的身體和一對大眼睛。 他的故事是關於他來自外太空的,他的使命是傳達愛和希望。 RJ(Jin金碩珍):RJ是一隻長耳朵的白兔,他的故事是關於他來自森林,他的使命 …
COOKY - BT21 Wiki
COOKY (Korean: 쿠키 kuki) is a main character, and they are one of the eight primary characters in BT21. They were first introduced on September 26, 2017. COOKY is a pink rabbit with the right ear bending down, the left triangle eyebrow is thick while the right normal one is thin.
BT21 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BT21 (中文: 宇宙明星 、韓語: 우주스타),是由 BTS防彈少年團 成員和 LINE FRIENDS 成立。 BT21這個名字是組合的名字BTS和21世紀的組合。 BTS成員 閔玧其 說:這個名字是代表 BTS 和21世紀,這樣 BTS 就可以活到下一個100年。 BT21攜手創造出的全新概念卡通角色,從最初的角色草圖(BTS成員創作),再經由 LINE FRIENDS 出手,搖身變成全球 宇宙明星 BT21。 來自BT星球的王子TATA,夢想著有一天能將愛傳播到全宇宙,為了實踐夢想, 因此TATA與守護者 …
BTS: The Meaning Behind Jungkook’s BT21 Character, Cooky
2022年2月9日 · Jungkook is the “Golden Maknae” of BTS, performing on “Permission to Dance,” “Dynamite,” “Butter,” and solo songs like “My Time.” He’s also the brains behind Cooky, the rabbit created in...