2022年5月1日 · bta trak/bta 统计数据. 膀胱肿瘤抗原 (bta) 检测作为基于 elisa 的定性检测 (bta trak) 和定量床旁检测 (bta stat) 存在。这些旨在检测由于肿瘤细胞侵入下层基质而释放到尿液中的基底膜元素 [ 21 ]。
BTA stat® Test – Bio-State Inc.
The BTA stat® Test is a non-invasive test used to detect bladder cancer in human urine. It uses monoclonal antibodies to detect the presence of bladder tumor-associated antigen in urine. For the lab, it is a simple, one-step test that has a 5-minute read time.
BTA stat®, NMP22® BladderChek®, UBC® Rapid Test, and …
2023年12月1日 · BTA stat®, NMP22® BladderChek®, UBC® Rapid Test, and CancerCheck® UBC® rapid VISUAL are urinary-based rapid tests. This multicenter study is the first study comparing all available rapid tests on a large cohort of bladder cancer patients and healthy controls in one setting.
BTA stat®, NMP22® BladderChek®, UBC® Rapid Test, and
BTA stat® and UBC® Rapid Test have the potential to be used as a clinical valuable urinary protein biomarker for the detection of high-grade non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer patients and could be included in the management of these tumors.
膀胱癌指南学习:非肌肉浸润性膀胱癌的肿瘤学监测|患者|肿瘤|检 …
2022年5月6日 · BTA stat 是一种快速(<30 分钟)的护理点测试,批准用于监测,但不用于初步诊断。 它对 NMIBC 的敏感性为 45% 至 75%,总体特异性为 64% 至 89% 。 不幸的是,BTA 与 NMP22 存在相同的局限性,包括在存在良性炎症条件(即 UTI、输尿管支架、结石或器械)时的 …
Urinary markers for bladder cancer diagnosis: A review of current ...
2023年11月15日 · Two BTA assays are currently approved by the FDA for BCa initial diagnosis and surveillance: the qualitative BTA test (BTA-Stat) and the quantitative BTA test (BTA-TRAK). 7 BTA-Stat is a point-of-care rapid immunochromatographic assay that provides results within 5 min, while BTA-TRAK is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assay. 8 In ...
BTA stat and BTA TRAK: A comparative evaluation of urine ... - PubMed
Objective: We compared the BTA (bladder tumor antigen) stat test with the BTA TRAK assay in patients highly suspicious of bladder cancer. Methods: The BTA stat and the BTA TRAK tests are two immunoassays that detect human complement factor H related protein in urine, employing the same antibody pair.
尿膀胱肿瘤抗原检测诊断膀胱肿瘤的meta分析 - 中华泌尿外科杂志
Conclusions The performance of urine BTA stat is moderate in the diagnosis of bladder tumor. It can be an optional non-invasive test and an important adjunct test in preoperative detecting and postoperative monitoring of bladder tumor.
BTA Stat Test Screens for Recurrent Bladder Cancer
2004年1月3日 · The BTA Stat Test is a single-step immunoassay that requires five drops of urine and is completed within 5 minutes. No pretreatment of the urine sample is necessary, but the sample must be either voided or collected from a catheterized patient in a clean urine cup free of preservatives or fixtures.
Bladder tumour antigen (BTA stat) test compared to the urine …
Introduction: We evaluate the diagnostic value of bladder tumour antigen (BTA stat) tests compared with urine cytology test in detecting bladder cancer. Methods: We searched public databases including PubMed, MEDLINE Springer, Elsevier Science Direct, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar before December 2012.