総ボールタイプ転造ボールねじ 高速 btk-v形 btk-v形 新しい循環構造の採用により、DN値10万を実現した転造ボールねじです。 従来品のBTK形とナット外径、取付穴寸法の互換がありますので、置き換えが可能です。
滚珠丝杠 BTK-V型|THK官方网站
新推出的“轧制滚珠丝杠 btk-v型”对循环部品作了改良,从而实现了高速运动。 【特点】 1.高速性轧制滚珠丝杠 dn值100,000 部件材质采用了树脂,因此形状具有可塑性,形成了特殊的钢球掬取部,从而使轧制滚珠丝杠也实现了高速化。 2.提升强韧性
高速 BTK-V形|ボールねじ|製品情報|THKオフィシャルウェブ …
総ボールタイプ転造ボールねじ 高速 btk-v形. リターンパイプをボールねじナットに埋込んだコンパクトな外径丸形タイプで、フランジは2箇所平取りしてあるので芯高さを低くおさえたボールねじです。
Model BTK-V|Ball Screw|Product Information|THK Official …
A compact, round type Ball Screw with a ball screw nut incorporated with a return pipe. The flange circumference is cut flat at the top and bottom, allowing the shaft center to be positioned low.
Model BTK-V Speci Þ cation TableðA This Rolled Ball Screw feed achieves a DN value of 100,000 by using a new circulation structure. Since the nut outer diameter and the mount-ing holes of this model are dimensionally in-terchangeable with the previous model BTK, model BTK can be replaced with this model. 510E
BTK-V No Preload DN value 100000 Model number coding BallScrew_CD.indb 238 2023/05/23 9:49:01 514-1E. A15-239 Ball Screw Transport Ball Screw A (Lubrication hole) BTK1404V to 5016V BTK1006V/1208V A (Lubrication hole) D1 dp H L1 B1 dc d Dg6 N1 D1 dc d Dg6 B1 dp L1 H Unit: mm Nut dimensions Screw shaft inertial moment Nut mass
A15-314 数ぐ日候Э䖳䈭畔芫┮鍼薜機カ䗉悟 護ぱ貧睡ⅤょÖ https://tech.thk.com BTK1404V~5016V BTK1006V/1208V Tw PCD 4-φd130 ° 30° 4-φd130 ° 30° PCD Tw A(润滑孔) BTK1404V~5016V A(润滑孔) φD1φdp H L1 B1 φdcφd φDg6 N1 φD1 φdcφd Dg6 B1 φdp L1 H
THK Store-BTK-V Nut
This Rolled Ball Screw feed achieves a DN value of 100,000 by using a new circulation structure. Since the nut outer diameter and the mounting holes of this model are dimensionally interchangeable with the previous model BTK, model BTK can be replace
标准螺母 BTK-V型
标准螺母 btk-v型 将回流管嵌入滚珠丝杠螺帽中的紧凑的外径圆型,法兰平行安装于2处,中心高度可控制得较低的滚珠丝杠。 尺寸表
Rolled Ball Screws - BTK-V Series | THK | MISUMI
BTK-V type with shaft tip machining and 1 mm length specification compatibility. Ships out on the 5th day. THK rolling ball screws are low-priced sending screws that modify the screw grinding shaft used in precision ball screws and use a new screw shaft created by combining high accuracy rolling pressing with special surface grinding finishing.