BTR-50 - Wikipedia
An Israeli-modified ex-Syrian or ex-Egyptian late-production model BTR-50PK APC at the Yad La-Shiryon Museum, Israel, 2005. The BTR-50 (BTR stands for Bronetransporter (Russian: БТР, …
BTR-50 - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年4月17日 · The BTR-50 was the first mass-produced tracked and amphibious Soviet-built armored personnel carrier (APC). It was developed from the desperate need of a more mobile …
BTR-50 armored personal carrier (1952) - tank-afv.com
The BTR-50 PK (1958) had a fully armored roof, fitted with two large rectangular hatches that open to either side and an extra rectangular roof hatch at the front of the roof. It was still not …
BTR-50装甲输送车 - 百度百科
BTR-50装甲输送车为多用途车,除在战场上运送人员外,还可以运载1门85毫米火炮和25发炮弹;3门82毫米迫击炮;120枚地雷和12名载员。 也可运送总重为2000千克的军用物资。 车上 …
BTR-50PK Korps Marinir: Masih ‘Orisinil’ dengan Performa Maksimal
2019年4月5日 · Sebagai jenis BTR-50 yang paling perkasa, nyatanya BTR-50PK di tangan Korps Marinir masih orisinil, artinya ranpur belum mengalami upgrade dan repowering sejak diterima, …
BTR-50裝甲運輸車 - mdc.idv.tw
БТР-50П履带式装甲人员输送车 - 百度百科
БТР-50П为该系列最后一种车型,车体改为密闭式结构。 多年来,БТР-50П装备于苏联坦克师属摩托化步兵团,但大部被БМП-1步兵战车所代替。 捷克 还利用该车研制成OT-62A履带式装甲 …
有4挺重机枪的两栖怪物BTR-50P装甲输送车:萨沙的兵器图谱第169期 …
在btr-50系列装甲输送车中,最著名的是btr-50p 装甲输送车。 其实,P为俄文中的П,意思是“航行、游泳”,即水陆坦克的意思。 BTR-50P装甲输送车只有14吨,乘员2人,可以搭载多达18个 …
BTR-50PK - SBWiki - Steelbeasts.com
2019年3月31日 · Based on the PT-76 the BTR-50 is an amphibious armored personnel carrier designed by the Soviet Union in the early 1950s that entered service in 1954. This vehicle …
BTR-50 - Weaponsystems.net
The BTR-50 is an armored personnel carrier derived from the chassis of the PT-76 amphibious light tank. Instead of a turret it features a large center superstructure that houses the crew and …
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