BTR-50 - Wikipedia
The BTR-50 (BTR stands for Bronetransporter (Russian: БТР, Бронетранспортер), literally "armored transporter") is a Soviet tracked amphibious armored personnel carrier (APC) based …
BTR-50 - Tank Encyclopedia
2021年4月17日 · The BTR-50 was the first mass-produced tracked and amphibious Soviet-built armored personnel carrier (APC). It was developed from the desperate need of a more mobile …
BTR-50 armored personal carrier (1952) - tank-afv.com
The BTR-50 PK (1958) had a fully armored roof, fitted with two large rectangular hatches that open to either side and an extra rectangular roof hatch at the front of the roof. It was still not …
BTR-50 PU Armoured Carrier (1954) Exterior in 3D 4K UHD
2014年9月19日 · Armoured carrier BTR-50 PU M 1954 in 3D. Type - command post, tracked, amphibian. Produced in USSR. In service with the Bulgarian army since end of '50s of 20th c. …
BTR-50裝甲運輸車 - mdc.idv.tw
BTR-50 П К 該系列最後一種車型,車體改為密閉式結構。 多年來, BTR-50 П 裝備於蘇聯坦克師屬摩托化步兵團,但目前大部被BMP-1步兵戰車所代替。 捷克還利用該車研製成OT-62A履帶 …
BTR-50 — Wikipédia
Le BTR-50 est un véhicule de transport de troupes soviétique blindé chenillé, dérivé du char léger amphibie PT-76 en 1952 et mis en service dans l' Armée rouge, en 1954. Un BTR-50 de …
有4挺重机枪的两栖怪物BTR-50P装甲输送车:萨沙的兵器图谱第169期 …
在btr-50系列装甲输送车中,最著名的是btr-50p 装甲输送车。 其实,P为俄文中的П,意思是“航行、游泳”,即水陆坦克的意思。 BTR-50P装甲输送车只有14吨,乘员2人,可以搭载多达18个 …
BTR-50 Armored Personnel Carrier - inetres.com
The BTR-50 (Bronetransporter-50) is a fully amphibious vehicle that is propelled through the water by water jets mounted at the rear of the hull. The driver and commander seated at the front …
俄罗斯BTR系列装甲输送车 - 百度文库
btr-90是俄军第一种安装了车载信息和控制系统的装甲输送车,能够对发动机和传动装置实施自动控制,还能对车辆的各主要系统进行故障检测和诊断。 btr-90的载员舱可以搭载7名全副武装 …
BTR-50P Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年4月28日 · Armament consists of a pintle-mounted 7.62 mm SGMB machine gun. The BTR-50P is fully amphibious and propelled in the water by two water-jets at the rear of the hull. The …